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| Hazel |

The next morning felt different to me for some reason.

Maybe it was the amount of wine that I consumed last night.

It just felt like a dark cloud was hovering over me, all I felt was sadness and I couldn't pinpoint exactly where it was coming from.

I picked up my phone, hoping to see something that would make me smile, only to be faced with the reality of my sadness.

Todays date.

My heart sunk realizing what it was and tears immediately filled my eyes.

It was the date of my dads death.

I had been so caught up in Shuri and I that I didn't even prepare myself, mentally or emotionally, for it.

I quickly got up, hurrying to lock the door before someone had the chance to come in and see me like this.

I was prepared to spend the day alone, stuck in my sorrow. At least that was my hope.

I fell back into the bed, allowing my tears to fall eventually leading to me sobbing into one of the pillows.

I was crying so hard, I had forgotten how to breathe.

I didn't know if I felt worse because I hadn't realized the day was coming or because I was halfway around the world and not spending this day with my family like usual.

A knock on the door caused me to suck up my tears quickly, hoping whoever was on the other side wouldn't hear me.

"Hazel" Riri's voice called through the door.

I don't think I could get up even if I wanted to. I sat there, staring at the wall, listening as the knocks continued.

I knew it was probably be better to be alone, being that my sadness would only turn into anger that I would take out on everyone.

Eventually the knocking stopped, making me let out a breath I didn't know I was holding.

I got out of the bed, slowly walking to the bathroom, closing the door behind me.

My eyes were red and puffy and mucus filled my nose, making it even harder to breathe.

I cleaned my face up, hoping that would be my only breakdown of the day but knowing I would still be spending it by myself.

I took one last big breath in, letting it out slowly before leaving the bathroom.

The sight of Shuri standing in front of the door almost made my heart jump out of my chest.

"How'd you get in here?" I mumbled, avoiding her stare.

"Did you really think I wouldn't be able to get into my own room?" She laughed.

I walked back to the bed just as slow as I had left it, wrapping myself back in the blankets.

Her smile faded when she realized I wasn't in the same mood as her.

"What's wrong?" There was concern in her voice as she rushed over beside me.

"Nothing." I continued to mumble, pulling my knees up to my chest.

"Have you been crying?"

"Shuri please just leave." I closed my eyes feeling the emotions starting to come back to me. I knew it wouldn't be long before anger made an appearance.

"Tell me whats wrong." She said, moving closer to me only to be pushed away.

"No. Leave." I snapped at her.

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