
Izuku revved his motorcycle and sped towards the city, adrenaline pumping through his veins. The wind whipped through his hair, and he felt alive. When he arrived in the heart of the town, he parked the bike and ascended to the rooftops, leaping from building to building with the grace of a predator. The city's scent filled his nostrils, a mix of gasoline, sweat, and smog.

He scanned the city for his next target when he felt a presence behind him. Without hesitation, he ducked and dodged a powerful kick aimed at his head. Then, he spun around and narrowly avoided a series of rapid punches. Izuku's heart raced as he engaged in hand-to-hand combat with his assailant, who quickly moved. In a split second, he tilted his body and delivered a swift kick to his opponent's stomach, sending him staggering backwards.

"Who the hell are you?" The voice belonged to Rabbit Hero: Mirko, one of the top heroes in the city. Izuku said nothing, drawing his sword with deadly precision. Then, before Mirko could react, he attacked, lopping off her arms swiftly. Blood gushed from her stumps, and she collapsed, writhing in agony.

Izuku raised his sword, ready to deliver the killing blow, when Eraserhead appeared, his eyes glowing a fiery red. "A shadowy figure with devilish blood eyes. So, you're the one who's been murdering all those people."

Izuku smirked, his eyes glinting with malice. He threw his sword with expert aim, but Eraserhead's scarf caught the weapon, preventing it from striking him. Then, in a show of strength, Izuku flung Eraserhead away, using the scarf attached to his sword as leverage.

As Izuku turned back to Mirko, he realised she had escaped. With lightning speed, he chased her down, cornering her on a rooftop. "Please, we can--" Mirko begged, but Izuku cut her off, shoving his gun into her mouth and pulling the trigger. The gunshot echoed through the city, followed by the sickening thud of her lifeless body hitting the ground. The metallic taste of gunpowder lingered on Izuku's tongue, and the scent of blood filled the air.

Suddenly, a police helicopter appeared overhead, and Izuku knew he had to act fast. He jumped into the air and sliced through the helicopter's rotors with his sword, causing it to plummet in a fiery explosion. The sound of metal tearing through metal and the screams of the dying filled the air.

But Izuku's rampage was far from over. Two more helicopters appeared, their rotors beating a deafening rhythm. They opened fire, and Izuku was forced to take evasive action. Then, just as he thought he was done for, Mt. Lady, another top hero, appeared, towering over him in giant form.

"Surrender now!" she bellowed. "Or--"

But Izuku didn't give her a chance to finish. In a swift move, he jumped and sliced her throat with his sword. Blood spurted from the wound, painting the rooftop in a macabre display of violence.

Izuku turned to face the remaining helicopters with a feral grin. He deflected the bullets with his sword, expertly redirecting them to the pilots, killing them instantly. The helicopters spun out of control, plummeting to the ground and exploding in flames.

Izuku stood amidst the carnage, his clothes stained with blood and his eyes glowing with a manic intensity.


Izuku ran with reckless abandon, his heart pounding as the sound of approaching helicopters grew louder. Finally, he reached the spot where he had stashed his motorcycle and sped off towards an exit he knew could provide a means of escape. But his respite was short-lived as the screech of a police car echoed behind him. Without a second thought, he pulled out his gun and aimed it backwards, the metal cold against his skin. Then, with a swift motion, he fired, the bullet striking the driver's head and sending the vehicle careening off the road.

The figure continued to ride until he was met with a wall of police officers, their guns aimed and ready. He leapt from his motorcycle, his feet hitting the pavement with a resounding thud. A police officer shouted for his colleagues to open fire, and the figure charged forward, his movements fluid and precise. Dodging the hail of bullets that rained upon him, he cut through the officers like a knife through butter, their screams of agony fueling his thirst for destruction.

But the officers had a machine gun, and as it began to fire, the figure stood unfazed. He quickly blocked each bullet, his senses honed and his reactions lightning quick. The figure then lunged forward, killing the operator of the machine gun and the officer in charge without hesitation.

As he turned to escape, a tangle of branches suddenly snaked out from the ground, their tendrils seeking to ensnare him. The figure made quick work of them, slicing through the thick foliage with his blades. Then, he looked up to see Kamui Woods, his eyes wide with horror. With a swift motion, the figure drew an axe from his back and hurled it at Kamui, the weapon embedding itself deep in his skull. The figure then turned to face Death Arms, who charged at him with fists clenched. But the figure was ready, drawing two swords from his side and using them to strike down his enemy in a flurry of blood and steel.

The figure escaped on his motorcycle as Death Arms fell to the ground. But his respite was short-lived as two police cars appeared, one on each side of him. With a grim determination, the figure extended his arms, his swords glinting in the sunlight. As the cars closed in, he used his brakes to stop, the sharp blades slicing through the metal like butter. The sound of screeching metal filled the air as the cars collided, and the figure disappeared into the darkness of a nearby tunnel.

Exhausted and bloodied, the figure would rest until the next time the sky's darkness enveloped the world when he could continue his crusade with renewed vigour and a thirst for vengeance that could never be quenched.

Exhausted and bloodied, the figure would rest until the next time the sky's darkness enveloped the world when he could continue his crusade with renewed vigour and a thirst for vengeance that could never be quenched

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The Vengeful One (Killer! Deku Fanfic) Rewritten VersionWhere stories live. Discover now