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Isaac POV
Hehe switching it up, don't worry Isaac only has a couple of these, it is entirely Grindeldore except one or two chapters.

Isaac watched as Gellert paced in the Hallway. He was worrying. He paces when he worries. He also scream thinks.

Isaac was not very happy with the loud thoughts in Gellerts mind penetrating his own.

Gellert suddenly stopped pacing and glared at Isaac. "Out of my mind Morningstar" He said through his teeth. Isaac glared back, his blue eyes turned a scarlet which caused Gellert to back down. "Keep your thoughts out of MY mind" Isaac snapped back with a venomous edge to his words.

Elphias walked out of the medical bay and saw the two of them still stood there. "You two are still here?" He asked. Silly boy, you really think Gellert would leave? He's known Albus for a day and is already more protective of him than a mother bear is of her cubs.

Isaac rolled his eyes in annoyance. "Gellert insisted we wait until we heard Albus was okay, plus we don't know our way around the castle" He said before adding, "Plus, no one from our schools like us so Albus is the one we can talk to without people thinking we'll kill them and eat their family cat over a nice picnic in the middle of the ocean". Elphias looked him up and down "these two are really weird, 'specially the blonde"

Isaac straightened his posture and he walked directly up to Elphias. "I don't give two fecks what you think about me, but you DO NOT insult Gellert Grindelwald in front of me Elphias Dodge" He snapped his fingers and Elphias crumpled. He screamed out in pain and looked at Gellert to see if he would stop Isaac. No such luck.

Gellert stood watching the entire thing without even sparing a thought to the pain Elphias must have been in.

"You freak! Stop! Please!" Elphias was reduced to tears in a pile on the floor when Albus rushed out of the infirmary. "WHAT IN THE WORLD ARE YOU DOING TO ELPHIAS?!" He shouted as he bent to his friend on the ground. Gellert then placed his hand on Isaac's shoulder. "Too far Morningstar, I am sure he is sorry for what he thought about me hm?" Gellert spoke gently and his hand felt so delicate on Isaac's shoulder and his heart pained. "Right, sorry" Isaac waved his hand and suddenly it was as if Elphias was never in pain.

Albus was in complete shock. "You- you just" He stammered over his words then turned to Gellert. "Why would you let him do that?!" The fury in his words made Gellert freeze.

Oh Gell, don't fall this for boy, you'll only hurt him.

"There is rarely a time where I can stop him, once someone called me something horrendous and he reduced them to ashes in a split second" Gellert said looking down at his boots. "Now you know why Isaac is feared among his peers, not for his talent but for his pure strength and unstable emotional state".

Isaac looked to the ground realising what he had done. "Elphias I'm sorry I didn't mean to" his words where shaky and his knees buckled. "It happened again, I lost control, father is going to be so mad" He tucked his head between his knees.

Gellert knelt on the floor and Albus watched intently. Every move that was made by either of the two were being highly monitored by the older boy. "It is alright Isaac, you did not mean for it to happen, you were defending me" Gellert said, his voice was the same he used to coax Wilhelm into sitting at the dinner table with them. Isaac looked up from his knees and Gellert placed a hand so gently on his head it was barely touching his scalp. Gellerts touches were never rough or hard, even when he was angry his fingers would always touch you so delicately. It put Isaac at ease.

The youngest boy massaged Isaac's head with his gentle touch. Isaac then placed his head against Gellert and sighed. His breath hitching every couple of seconds. Albus then also knelt down. He may be slightly scared of Isaac now, but he was an older brother to a very unstable girl and a easily scared younger brother. He knew how to handle people in situations like this. "May I touch you Isaac?" Albus asked soothingly. Isaac looked at Albus, his sapphire blue eyes glistened under the light of the corridor. "You, you may" Isaac said, reading Albus' thoughts. "He may be able to commit terrible acts, but he regrets them instantly, he is obviously not able to control his emotions and power very well. Just like Ariana".

This boy has a pure mind and pure heart. Gellert you better not hurt this boy.

Albus lifted his hand and cupped Isaac's cheek. His thumb moved in a circular motion and Gellert continued to massage his hair. They both touched him so gently, his breathing calmed and he smiled. "Thank you, both of you" his voice steadied.

Elphias was still frozen in his spot in the hallway. "Mr Dodge, I sincerely apologise for my actions, but please, do not think so lowly of Mr Grindelwald again" Isaac said. Gellert helped Isaac to his feet. "Why are you so protective of me?" He asked tilting his head like a curious puppy. "You are my only friend Gell, nobody can hurt you as long as I'm here".

"Du bist zu nett, ich verdiene das nicht"

Isaac looked him in the eyes and spoke to Gellert in his mind. What does that mean mean Gell? Gellert laughed, "I have beaten the system".

Albus cocked his head, "I am so confused". Isaac laughed. "He thought in German, I don't speak German" Isaac said with a smile.

"Oh and Albus" Isaac said, He likes you too.

A blush blossomed on Albus' face as he smiled. "Have you put your names in the Goblet?" Albus asked distracting himself from the thoughts racing in his head. "Not yet" The two said.

Trans- Du bist zu nett, ich verdiene das nicht= You're too nice, I don't deserve this

Thanks for waiting everyone.

I am so sorry I haven't been able to publish this for ages.

Taylor Isaac McDonnell :]

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