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Albus pov

As he listened to the Headmaster speak of the rules of the Triwizard Tournament , he watched Gellert. His eyes sparkled and glittered as he listened to what the Tournament would bring him opportunities for. Albus' heart beat quickened.

"Will you be entering the Tournament Gellert?" Albus whispered into Gellert ear. The blonde cleared his throat and turned to face Albus. Their faces were so close together Albus could feel Gellerts warm breath on his face. He straightened his posture. "Yes, it sounds like a wonderful idea" Gellert responded then he leaned closer to Albus making the smaller gulp and try not to look anywhere but Gellerts eyes, "Are you going to join?".

Albus smiled. "I don't think you would stand a chance against me Grindelwald, I am hogwarts best charms-man and duelist" Albus said proudly before sighing. "I do suppose it could be fun though".

To that one sentence Albus seemed to have transformed into an entirely different person. He was now feeling overly confident, but anxious at what Gellert could do. He had heard stories that Durmstrang taught the dark arts as well as defence against them.

"I'm entering" Niamh said with a smile. "Mn me too little pup" A boy in Beauxbatons uniform said smiling at her. Albus elbowed Gellert, "Who?".

"That's Niamhs older brother" Gellert answered, "Very talented".

"I pity the wizard or witch to go against either the of the older Morningstars" One of the girls from Durmstrang said with a shiver. She then seemed to realise Gellert was with Albus and she scowled, "Grindelwald, leave the boy alone you psycho".

"Anastasia, come now, Albus is my helper, I cannot leave him" Gellert said, a smirk played on his lips and that was all Albus saw before darkness.

You are disgusting Albus. Attracted to boys. Why can't you fall for a woman for once?!


"Al!" Aberforths voice called out.

When his eyes opened he saw his younger brother, his best friend Elphias, Niamh and Gellert sat around him. Aberforth was gripping his hand tightly. "Tss Abe that hurts".

Aberforth let go of Albus' hand and rolled his eyes. "Thought you were dead, sorry" He spoke then stood up, "Blondie here is quite the healer, Miss Anderson said if he hadn't helped out you would've been out for a couple days".

Niamh pretended to faint, "Oh yes, Gellert is the supreme healer, I need saving Gel" she said. Gellert whisped his wand and Niamh fell to the floor holding her stomach. "Ouch ouch ouch Gellert stop" Niamh begged tears prickled in her eyes and Albus looked to Elphias.

Elphias seemed to understand, "Expelliarmus" He cast the disarming spell. "That's low, hurting a lady like that" Elphias spat then he bent to the floor. "Are you alright miss?" He asked helping her up. "Fucking dickwad" Niamh spat at Gellert then smiled at Elphias, "Oui, I am perfectly fine".

Gellert rolled his eyes, "Very sorry m'lady" he bowed slightly. Niamh sneered and kicked Gellert in his genitals hard. "OW YOU FUCKER!" Gellert cursed, his sweet German accent turned into a posh English one.

Had his accent been a lie like Niamhs?

"Ha deserved you bitch, you sound like your aunt" Niamh teased, "It's what you get for making go through womanly pains when it's not my time".

Gellert grunted then turned to Albus. "How are you feeling Albus?" He asked, now speaking as if English was his first language. "Are you too warm? You are quite flushed?" Elphias asked.

Albus lifted the covers of the medical bed over his nose. "I'm perfectly fine, thank you both" He responded then cocked his head to the side, "How long was I out?".

"About a day" Aberforth said, "I'm going to my classes now". With that Aberforth walked out of the medical bay.

Niamh sighed and looked at Gellert.

"Now he's gone I can get rid of the glamour" Niamh said then her eyes darted to Elphias, "You won't mind me changing up a bit do you?". Before Elphias could answer Niamh smiled and said "Thought not, good boy".

Elphias looked at Albus with pure confusion written across his face. Then a bright light emitted from where Niamh was standing and suddenly a slightly taller, male stood smiling. His features so similar to Niamhs.

He then bowed noticing the startled faces in the room. "Isaac Morningstar, Niamh isn't a real person" He said introducing himself. "I had the same reaction but there was a lot more swearing when he did that to me" Gellert said as he leant against the wall.

Isaac leaned back and nuzzled himself into Gellerts chest.

Elphias looked at Albus and said, "Do you think their?". Albus looked at the both of them and sighed deeply. "Is it your place to judge if they were?" Albus said looking at them with a hint of sadness.

"No sir, each to their own" Then his eyes widened and he shook Albus in his hospital bed. "Why was he posing as a lady?!" He shouted.

Isaac laughed and elbowed Gellert. "Knew one of them would start questioning that, can you answer Gell?" Isaac asked and closed his eyes.

"His sister, he's looking after her" Gellert said, "He decided it would be easier to look after her as a girl than as a boy". Albus frowned and Isaac's eyes opened.

"No sweetheart, he isn't into me don't you worry your pretty little head over it" Isaac said with a wink.

Albus' eyes widened and he looked Isaac dead in the eyes. "How did you?".

"Isaac, stop reading people's minds it is highly invasive" Gellert snapped pinching Isaac's sides.

What did he mean by that?

"Morningstar family gift and plague" Isaac said and winked at Albus, "Your secret is safe with me sweetheart".

Gellert looked at Albus and Albus could have sworn he saw his cheeks flush a shade a pink like they did when they spoke on the way to dinner.

Does Gellert Grindelwald like me?

Hi sorry for the late update.

I'm currently using my grandmother's old phone to write this.

Please don't expect another update for a while.

As always thank you for reading.

Taylor Isaac McDonnell :]

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