The danger had been right
in front of us and we'd
been a united front.

We'd even cracked their

We were working together now, not surviving separately but I
still had to address the tension and guilt I'd been feeling.

"Baby." I said softly into his
hair as I pulled him to me

"I'm so sorry for dragging
you into this mess."

"Being with me has caused
you so much fear and anxiety."

"I'm not sure I'm worth it."

He reached up, cupping my
face and kissing me

He smiled when he
leaned back.

"You are more than worth

"You are my everything,
my love."

"I'm sorry I forgot that for
a while but I love you."

"I love you and I'd walk
through hellfire if it meant
that we would come out
the other side together."

My heart absolutely melted
and I kissed him again.

I truly believed that our love would get us through anything and we would survive anything.

"First chance I get." I said
after we broke the kiss.

"I'm putting a ring on your finger."

Jungkook laughed, not at me
but with a joy I'd forgotten
the sound of.

"What if I beat you to
it?" he asked.

I laughed with him.

"I don't care, as long as at the end of the day, you are my husband and I am yours."

"I'd like that." Jungkook
said, smiling up at me.

I smoothed his hair back from
his forehead and leaned
down to drop a kiss there.

He smelled good and his
skin was smooth and warm.

I'd missed this.

I had to get back to work
but we kissed one last time.

Then another.

Then for a few more minutes.

I didn't want to let him go
but I had to.

One last kiss, then I nearly
ran away to make sure I
wasn't tempted back in.

Jungkook's delighted laughter followed me down the hallway.

He'd wait in the station until
I was ready to go home.

Neither one of us wanted to
be too far from the other.

Dubois had arrived by the
time I got to the meeting
room with the sheriff and Jih.

We made a list of all the men who'd acted as informants
for us for our raids.

If Jiwoo's brother had been
able to identify them, they
were all in danger.

And we all knew Jiwoo's effectiveness when it came
to settling debts and following through with threats.

The mood in the room was
grim as Jih called the penitentiary where the men
were being held and asked to have them moved immediately out of general population.

He had the call on speaker phone, so we all heard it as chaos erupted in the back
ground of the call as we waited.

Shouts and yells and the
banging of metal against metal.

 ✨MY LIGHT IN THE DARK ✨ || JIKOOK ✅Where stories live. Discover now