Chapter 26

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"Sana... I'm sorry." Baelz apologised, walking up to The Speaker of Space after composing herself as best she could.
"Oh, Bae..." Sana sighed, pulling her into a loose embrace, noticing her tear stained cheeks.
"What happened to me? When did I become so blind to what you all meant to me?" Baelz questioned sadly, unable to stop her tears from falling again.
Kronii and Mumei approached the two and joined the embrace, having no words to say, only wishing for the group to become whole again.

After a moment, the four broke apart and looked at each other, reflecting on the carnage they had caused.
"...Two wrongs really don't make a right..." Kronii finally spoke in a low murmur.
The others silently agreed, "I think there's been more wrongs than two." Baelz replied, a pained smile appearing upon her lips.
"...Bae?" Fauna spoke up from where Irys was lying.
Baelz gaze shifted to her, seeing that Irys' wound had been healed, but her eyes remained closed.
"She's... not waking up." Fauna murmured, a sob escaping her lips.
Nodding softly, Baelz moved to Irys' side across from Fauna, placing a gentle hand on the Nephalim's neck.

Some relief washed over her, feeling the faint beat of Irys' pulse beneath her fingertips.
"She has a pulse?" the voice of Calli suddenly sounded next to her.
Baelz immediately looked up, a look of pure fury crossing her face for a moment.
"...How long have you been standing there?!" Baelz growled.
"Not long," Calli answered coolly, her eyes never faltering, "but enough for us to hear everything."
Mumei and Kronii walked closer and looked between Calli and Baelz, as if waiting to break up a fight.
"I'm sorry..." Calli said sadly after a moment, looking to Baelz and then at the ground.
Baelz was disarmed by her apology, "You..."
"I really am, I shouldn't have..." Calli tried her best to keep her composure as the rest of Myth and Koyori and Iroha walked up behind her.
"I can't believe I did that to a friend." she whispered in utter remorse.
"Friend, huh...?" Baelz muttered under her breath.
"Yes, a friend, she may have crossed us, but my rage blinded me." Calli explained, looking back at Baelz with an apologetic and pained expression.

The Goddess of Chaos locked eyes with the reaper for a moment, then stood up from her place beside Irys and extended a hand.
"Enough fighting." Baelz said, "No more anger and no more pain."
Calli stared at Baelz's hand, a bit surprised by the offer of peace, but quickly accepted it.
"Enough pointless destruction." Calli agreed.
They stared each other down for another moment before letting go of the handshake, Baelz's lips curling into a smirk, though this time it was not one of malice.

It was at that moment they heard a low groan from beside them.
"Irys?" Baelz's attention snapped back to the Nephalim.
Sure enough, Irys' eyes had fluttered open, revealing her tired yet alert blue and red orbs.
"Irys!" Baelz cried happily, immediately bending down and pulling the Nephalim into her arms, cradling her protectively against her chest.
Irys blinked slowly, confused at the sudden rush of affection, "Wha...what happened?" she asked, her voice a bit hoarse.
Baelz and Calli made eye contact.
"Don't worry about it... you're alive, that's all that matters."

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