Chapter 8

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Irys and Calli hit the ground, thoroughly exhausted.
Baelz laughed, "That's really the best you can do?" she taunted "I gave you plenty of chances to hit me and yet, neither of you could manage it."
Irys glared weakly at Baelz, "I'm not going to give up." she protested.
"No? Interesting, usually people in your position do." the Goddess of Chaos muttered in amusement.
Irys clenched her teeth as her entire body throbbed in agony.
"Just wait, our friends will come, then you'll be done for!" Irys growled.
It was at that moment that the rest of The Council landed gracefully next to Baelz.
"You were saying?" she inquired mockingly.
Irys and Calli looked around at their opponents, there was no sign of Kiara, Gura, Amelia, or Ina.

"Bae? I think it's time we turned our attention elsewhere." Sana suggested.
"In a moment Sana." Baelz replied, walking closer to Irys and Calli.
She leaned close to Irys and grabbed her by the hair, forcing the Nephalim to look her in the eye.
"You have no idea what's in store for you." Baelz threatened with a malicious smile.
"we're not afraid of you." Calli snapped suddenly, her eyes flashing dangerously.
Baelz smiled slightly, releasing Irys' hair "Really? Because if I were you..." she leaned in closer to the reaper, "I'd be terrified." she finished darkly, a sinister smirk upon her face.
Then she glanced over at the rest of The Council and spoke loudly "We're finished with these fools." she announced. "Let's go."
And with Baelz's words, The Council took off into the city sky.

"Wait!" Calli cried, struggling to rise to her feet. "We can't let them escape!"
"Let them go Calli." came Ina's voice.
Calli turned around to see Ina and a very beat up Amelia and Gura standing not too far away, looking defeated.
"Gura, Amelia..."
"Ina was right, they're... too strong..." Gura murmured as she leaned heavily onto Ina's left shoulder, Amelia doing the same on the priestess' right.
Irys slowly rose to her feet, holding her arm gingerly in pain, "This is going to be tough..." she said quietly.
"We can't just let them take over the world!" Calli exclaimed, wincing slightly in pain as she stumbled over towards the three girls.
"We can barely put up a fight though..." Amelia said weakly, glancing over her injured arm.

Calli looked around suddenly, "Wait... Where's Kiara?" she asked, worry lacing her tone.
As if on cue, the phoenix stumbled out of a nearby alley, "I'm here, I'm here." She panted.
"What happened to you!?" Calli demanded urgently, rushing as fast as she could to Kiara's side.
Kiara just shook her head, still breathing heavily.
Irys stared at Kiara, her clothes were ripped and there was a wild look in her eyes, she looked completely terrified.
Yet, physically, she looked unharmed apart from a few very minor looking cuts.
"I-I... I don't want to talk about it." She said softly, trying to steady her breathing.
"This is bad... We are in a really bad situation." Ina stated grimly.
"Tell me about it." came a voice from behind the group.
the six girls all spun around.

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