Court Day

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When they threw me into the truck, I was in shock, what the hell just happened? First of all, I never blew up a shop, and second... well I guess that's my only defense. There were no windows or bars in the back of the truck. Finally, the truck came to a stop and the men opened the doors and pulled me out. Then they took me inside a building and threw me into a cell.

" I DIDN'T DO ANYTHING, PLEASE YOU'VE GOT TO BELIEVE ME!" I said pleading for my life.

"SHUT UP," the man said sitting down. He was writing on some paper, I guess filling out a forum for me. Anyways, I looked around the room and saw another man sitting in the corner.

"Um, hello?" I said walking closer to him.

"Come here sonny," the man said

I slowly sat down next to him and then he said, "Why you in here?"

"Well, I don't know..." I said looking at the officer

"Oh come on everyone does something, what'd ya do?"

"Well supposedly I blew up a shop," I said looking down.

"Oh man why'd you do it?" he said, getting closer.

I backed up and said, " I just said I didn't do it!"


"Ohhhh, you don't want to get to the old hole," the man said chuckling

"Why what's in it?" I asked

"You don't want to know..." he said trailing off.

"What are you in for?" I asked

"Oh well, I killed a man!" He said cheerfully

"Um, okay..., have you gotten your sentence yet?" I asked suspiciously

"Oh no no no, I just got in here about 10 minutes ago," he said dozing off.

"Okay, um officer can I get a new cell?" I asked

"No," he said, still writing.

Well, what was I supposed to do now I'm stuck with a murder and this officer won't let me out, what's going to happen? Then the officer got up and said, "Alright, I filled out your case and your trial will be tonight, do you have any questions?"

"Yeah, when can I leave?"

"Once you've gotten your sentence." He said

"My sentence?" I said

"Yes, now I have to go," He said walking away.

"WAIT, I HAVE TO STAY IN HERE?" I yelled at him.

"Yep..." He said leaving.


There's no point he's already gone. What was going to happen? What will my sentence be? I asked myself these questions all day until night came. The officer came back and threw me into the truck again and then he took me to another building. The courtroom I'm guessing. He brought me out and took me inside. I sat down and waited for the judge. And finally, the judge spoke.

"State your name please."

"Um, Mike..." I said

"Full name please"

"Mike Partson," I said

"Mike Partson, you are being charged with the following crimes: the destruction of property, injuring three people, and the death of one. Do you plead guilty or innocent?

"Innocent!" I said

"Well, the jury says Guilty," she said writing on something.

"What that's not how it's supposed to be, I'm supposed to fight for myself with a lawyer!" I said

"Well things are different here," the judge said.

"Would you like to hear your sentence or continue without hearing it?" the judge asked. I sighed and said, "I would like to hear it please."

"Death." She said to write something down.


"Please settle down or I will add to your sentence," she said.

"What else can you possibly add..." I mumbled

"Your sentence will be played out tomorrow morning," the judge said, booming her stick.

Then the officers grabbed me and threw me into the back of the truck and took me back to the cell. Once we got there I just laid down and saw that the old man that was here before was gone. For now, I just want to sleep for the last time.

In the morning, the officers grabbed me and took me to the marketplace, and brought me to one of those hanging things. Then I stood in the loop waiting to be hanged. The officer to my left then said, "This man will be executed for, destruction of property, injuring three people, and the death of one, Do you all agree?" He said. The whole crowd nodded in agreement. What was happening, like I'm only 15 how can this be happening? Then the officer pulled the lever, I then dropped and was now hanging. I couldn't breathe for what seemed like hours but then I heard a gunshot. Then I fell to the ground, I was so dizzy and choking I couldn't move. I was so weak. All I could hear was the sounds of gunshots and everyone screaming. Then I felt a hand on my shoulder. Actually many hands, then I heard someone say this, "Mike you alright?" I didn't open my eyes, but I had to. Then I was put into a car and I heard the following conversation.



"HOLD ON EVERYONE!" Suddenly the car moved forward.


"I AM" I can hear sirens behind the car.

"GO GO TAKE A LEFT HERE" then I felt the car turn.

"ALRIGHT LOSE THEM DAVE NOW" I kept feeling the car take crazy turns.


"Is he alive?" That was the last thing I heard before, everything went black.

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