The Taser

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*Beep* *Beep Beep* *Beep Beep Beep* *Beeeeeeeeeeeeeeeep* "Oh come on!" I shouted. I Slid out of bed and shut off the alarm clock. "Ugg another boring day at school". I walked to the bathroom and brushed my teeth, got dressed, grabbed my backpack, and left out the door. As I walked to school I saw my bully just ahead of me. I quickly hid behind a garbage bin and waited till he turned the corner. "Huh Phew," I said as I wiped my brow. I then started to walk again and as I turned the corner I met face to face with Bruce. Bruce sucks he bullies basically all of the 8th graders and he's a 9th grader, yeah I know it's sad, well his parents got divorced and he's been like this since then I guess he doesn't have anything to punch at home. "Do you think I'm dumb?" He said. "Well, it depends if we're in math class or..." I said jokingly. He grabbed my shirt and said,  " you little..." Just then the crossing guard Mrs. Sares said, "Hey get going, Bruce!" he looked at her then huffed and puffed then walked off. "Thank Mrs. Sares," I said surprised. "You wouldn't believe the things I've seen on this little crosswalk," She said laughing. "Right...." I eyed her as I walked off. Welp, I already know what Bruce is going to do, if anyone ever catches him while he's about to beat up someone, after he will hunt you down and beat you up secretly. But I came prepared I brought my dads' taser, he's a cop so I thought I'd play Cops and robbers with Bruce.

 Anyways I headed to school and got my breakfast afterward I went to my first class English... Yeah, I'm not so good with English, but the day seemed to pass my first 3 classes passed like a breeze. After those classes, it was lunch then recess. I ate my lunch alone and then sat down by my favorite tree. The school tree that sits alone in the middle of the school, well not entirely alone since everyone hangs out around it. I was drawing in my notepad until Bruce came up to me and said, " Hey buddy let's head over here for a second yeah?". No, I would not go with him I know what he meant by "Head over here" everyone did that's why everyone kinda quieted down and looked at me and Bruce. "Um, I'd rather not," I said. He shot me a look leaned in right next to me and said, " you really want everyone to watch?". "Um I guess..." I said. Yeah I know I shouldn't have said that. Right after he grabbed me and threw me down to the ground. 

Literally, anyone could have done something like go tell a teacher, instead they watched because anyone that snitched would also be beaten up. So Right as he was going to kick me I pulled out the taser and tased his leg. "AHG what the hell was that" He Yelled. Yeah, I also shouldn't have done that, now he wants to kill me. I ran, also not a smart thing to do because he happens to be the fastest runner in the school. He eventually caught up and knocked me down. I fell face first, but got up fast and held the taser to him. "Back up or else I'll tase you till you can't feel your FACE!" I yelled. " Oh you think I can't just take that away from you?" he said grinning. Right he also could just take it away and use it on me and trust me when I tell you this, a taser hurts and when I say hurts I really mean it feels like you've been shot. He lunged toward me and I tased him in the chest. He fell on top of me and I pushed him off. "Yeah, that's what happens when you mess with me!" I exclaimed. Yeah right then and there a teacher appeared and I was sent to the principal's office. 

Eventually, my dad came and picked me up from school. The car ride was well not well I guess.   " Frist you take my taser then you use it on some boy? What the hell is wrong with you?!" He yelled. Once we got home He told me to go to my room, and I did I didn't want to talk to anyone right now all I wanted to do was sleep. I did sleep and I slept for hours until my mom woke me for dinner. We all ate in silence until my mom said, " So... how was your guys' day?". "Just great," I said sarcastically. My dad chimed in " Did you know our son took my taser?". "No..." my mom said. "Well he did and he tased a boy," dad said.

" I tased him because he was -"



"Do you know how much I can get in trouble for you taking my taser?"

"No..." I said quietly

" I could get in big trouble with the school AND MANY MORE THINGS!"

"Not my fault you left it here," I said


He got up and started towards me but my mom stopped him saying," STOP IT" She pushed him into their room where they fought. I just wanted to be alone I went into bed with all these thoughts of my dad and Bruce it was just all too much. I then slept and had a horrible dream of being in a maze a wired maze too. Then I woke up and was about to get out of bed when I fell through the floor...

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