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Alexis was broken. Someone had called social services on her. They had said she wasn't looking after her daughter properly.

She knew she wasn't the best mum. But she knew she was a good mum.

Alexis knew she had a few people in mind who could have done it. She hated how she felt like she couldn't trust anybody.

The only person she knew wouldn't have done it was her sister. She knew how Grace was always trying to help her.

She hated how her parenting had been called into question. She couldn't help but think that maybe her mum was behind it. She was going to find out.

All she knew was that whoever had done this wasn't going to get away with it. She wasn't going to let them.

When she woke that morning, she saw Lilly asleep next to her. She held her close and smiled. "Mummy won't let anything bad happen to you. I promise. I won't let them take you away from me," she said.

The door opened and Grace walked in. She smiled. "Hey. You ready?" She asked as she looked to her.

Alexis shook her head. She sighed. "No. I don't wanna get up. Cause I know that I have to deal with people thinking I'm a bad mum. I'm not a bad mum am I?" She asked

"No. You're an amazing mum. Lilly is the most luckiest little girl ever having you for her mummy. And whoever did this, they're jealous of you. Trust me when I say you have nothing to worry about," she said.

Alexis just nodded. She wasn't convinced. And she hated how she was being judged. She knew that while she wasn't the best of mums, she didn't her best. And it was all a baby could need.

Alexis went into school. She walked to the crèche and saw Tom there. He sighed. "I've had the social on phone. They want to talk to me about you and your parenting. What's happened?" He asked.

Alexis sighed. "Someone called them. Said I'm not doing a good job with her. They think I'm not looking after her properly. I am. I promise you."

Tom nodded. "I know. It's okay. Whoever it is has nothing better to do. Ignore them. I know you're a good mum. You've always been a good mum."

"Have I really thought?"

"Yes. Whoever said otherwise hasn't met you," Tom said as he tucked a strand of hair behind her hair. He smiled. "Lilly is lucky to have you. I promise."

"That means a lot to me. I just... I don't know. I feel like the universe is against me. And I don't know how much more I can cope with," Alexis mumbled.

Tom pulled her close and held her. He didn't want her to fall back into her old ways. With the eating disorder. He didn't want that suffering for her.

Alexis was sitting in the common room. She looked up as Christine walked in. "I've got to go."

"Alexis. Please," she said.

Alexis looked to her. "No. I think it was you who called social services on me. Because you know I'm a better mum than you've ever been. And you're trying to get my baby taken away."

"I'm not."

Alexis turned and walked off. Vowing to get the proof she needed to prove it was Christine who called the social services on her.

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