Chapter 17 🗡

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"Damn, finally done with all exams. Well is only 2 I guess."

Finn: "Yeah... is only those 2... since there is nothing much to test on."

"Hey, I am curious about something. You are at least 3 years above right? I mean you look just as young as me."

Finn: "Oh that... well I am in the 3rd year so yea. Is just that I am learning the uh... ropes of this. Guidance councils it is like a form of training segment before we become an official member of the school if we plan to stay here after graduation. In any case, we are also in charge of getting you new students to schedule your lesson."

'I guess he likes to talk about his aspiration.'

"Every student has different classes, hang on a sec. I am just an electro-energetic. So how would the class work then for the rest of the schedule?"

Finn: "Oh that, there are some... misconceptions about what... sort of classes happens... here. Sure... you have that class... to cover. But another... class is that it... will be with the... others so... you will also... get a chance of... talking with maybe... a freelancer or stealth."

'And he is back to being nervous again, is almost hilarious.'

"That already sounds very exciting, anything else should I take note of?"

Finn: "Hm... if you are interested... then we have an annual competition. With 2 categories you can participate."

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