Chapter 1 🗡

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  I ended up settling in a apartment complex that is ironically located where I was enslaved but I don't have to worry about that, as I have made certain that my looks have changed, though many would say is a lost but it needed to be done as the saying goes... "The safest place may as well be where your enemies reside." So it is probably the safest to stay right here in the city of 'Iciacean' where I was taken to.

  That figure also mentioned a place of the vampires' hunting grounds. It was an abandoned rollercoaster theme park... some incident happened and got shut down but is still here for other reasons. Well, is quite obvious why. But to think that a certain government organisation keeps this being in hiding and made sure they are in line, settling everything related to the magical beings and even relaying it to the government of this place.

  But it took me a while to adjust to the apartment, I am quite surprised the figure even allowed me to live in one of their own personal living quarters, free off charge to my surprise. They even allow me to borrow their clothes in the apartment and I have to admit is made with quite the comfortable outfit I have ever worn, and even mention that is mine now, a bit too generous I have to ponder, it feel as if that they have quite the fiance. Coming from a non government one... is even unbelievable.

  But after that, I took a walk around the city with my new identity. It was refreshing, to say the least, no more spies looking over my shoulders. This is the life I ever so clung to, and it has finally come true. But while walking, I felt a tingle like a little spark while passing by someone. But it may just be by nothing. In any case, time for a meal in the city without any spies.

  Along with the apartment that I stayed in, I was also given in cash $10 000. Is a bit much, but at least more than enough for meals. But, one has to ponder again. How does one manage to get such money? But either way, it's time for a meal!


  I didn't even realize that it was already dusks, which means that I have the most fun I ever had, that I even forgot about the time.

  But it is nearly dusk, which means that the vampires will be out. Additionally, it means that it is time for me to witness these vampires living and not with a knife stab at the heart. Plus, I need to burn this god damn handkerchief... I won't abandon the training that they gave, but I will abandon their ridiculous "principles."

  "Alright, let's us find this abandoned rollercoaster theme park. Alrighty searching up the location... and... BINGO! It's time for a 15 to 20-minute walk, enough time just in case something else happens whilst being there."


  'Finally, it took me a while to get here, but it was worth it in the end. So let's explore. Hm... need to just hop over the ticket station thingy... and there. Oh, this is something... all of these rollercoaster rides... more unique than the last. Despite the overgrowth, you can still tell the shape of the rides itself...'


  'Hm... this one seems off... oh, it is broken, the ride is detached... but it seems like it is long ago. Oh, so this is why the park shut down... because of this specific ride. In any case, this seems far enough. Now is time to leave one last thing that still attaches me to the organisation.'

  Taking out the handkerchief that was given to her, it had a wonderful embroidery of a dagger with a cross at the centre point of the knife and a sun and moon at the end of the hilt of the dagger, (is the one on the cover if you are unsure) at the same time, she took out a lighter and started burning one corner of the handkerchief. But little that she know that she is watched.

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