Chapter 5 🦇

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'I got here as fast as I could, I was so worried about Louisa that I didn't even realise that I just hugged her. But... no, I... urgh that guy got my predator instincts up.'

Louisa: "Damien, you don't look alright. You're paler than usual."

"I... I am fine, is just that... Lucius got my... my predator instincts up. So just stay away for a moment... dammit my eyes must have gone black. (Let's go of Louisa and steps back from her, speaking in a more softer voice) you... you shouldn't have come here... ugh. Why did you have to come here? You shouldn't even be here. Why...?"

Louisa: "I was getting a little worried, but I didn't mean to come here... but it is just... I don't know. I am utterly confused about why I did, really. I don't know what really came over me. I... honestly, I don't know what I am feeling right now... this is an emotion that is new to me."

"Even so, you still shouldn't have come here... oh... hrgh... Why? You shouldn't have come here. But you did. *Sigh. Why? (Speaking in a softer voice) Keep it in. Keep it in. Keep it in. Come on, you are not a juvenile anymore. Keep the bloodlust in. Come on, keep it in. Hrgh... why did you have to come here?"

'Damn it, I am at my limit. I can't keep it in. I am in need of blood, I am already at my limit. But... I can't... drink from her... not now. I don't want to drink from her... but I need blood.'

"B... blo... blood. I need blood, but I."

Louisa: "I can give you some if you want. I mean, you need it, right? If you are having difficulties and blood is one of its solutions, then I will compromise. Besides, I have always been curious about my blood after what you've said... if just the smell of my blood caused such effect to you... aren't you going to wonder what effects it could have if you drink it. Well, it may sound crazy to you, I know, but I thought of 3 scenarios if you drink my blood. One, the scent is just a placebo, and then it should work like ordinary. Or two, scent is actually a sign that my blood may be more valuable, and you can go on without blood for who knows how long, well, maybe more compared to ordinary blood. Or three, it could taste terrible."

"Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!!! I highly doubt the last one, though, but thanks for diluting the situation. However, the other 2 scenarios are highly likely. But you are sure about this, right? Well then... your wrist, gi... give me your wrist, I'll drink from your wrist."

Louisa: "Huh? From what I heard, vampires drink from the neck."

"No, I... I can't drink from your neck, not yet. So give me your wrist."

Louisa: "Then drinking from the wrist is worst. You could potentially harm the tendon, which could cause issues for me. Neck is far safer as long as you bite onto a vein it won't cause many problems. However, since you don't seem comfortable with it, then take a logic of blood donation, you need to aim for around the elbow area, I'd suggest the outer elbow area. That is your safest bet at the moment."

"Don't go all scientific all of a sudden that just surprised me. Well, I will trust you for your words. Now that I think of it... the logic of the blood donation seems quite logical. I will go for that. But... if you are unaware... you are wearing a long sleeve shirt..."

'This girl... she really hides a lot of things... I would want to ask, but it seems that she's still on guard. But, contrary to her actions... she is willingly letting her blood to be drank.'

Louisa: "Hm? Oh yeah... I forgot about what I was wearing... hm... um... I. . ."

'She's holding her arm? Is there something that is stopping her? Well, either way, I feel as if the bloodlust will gloss over soon.'

Louisa: "Alright, but don't ask what you're about to see."

'What is she talking abo... what the hell? What happened to her arm? It doesn't look self-inflicted. There seems to be more and more mysterious to her. But I can't contain the bloodlust anymore.'

"I. . . I am so sorry... oh this. . . Your blood is just the scent of it... just already filling me. . . You are going to be marked. No one will get you now. Not even Lucius."

A few minutes passed when Damien drank from Louisa.

"Ha... Thank you. I've gotten enough. Woah! Sorry you will feel lightheaded, but it will be a while. I'm sorry."

Louisa: "Don't blame yourself. . . Besides, I implied that I didn't mind it at all. So don't blame yourself. Besides, it will replenish within 2 days. So, no worries. Besides. . . Never mind, just don't feel bad. In fact, you should feel glad that I even volunteer to give some of my blood. Is not every day that someone will give their blood willingly. Especially if it is during a moment of time where you are not yourself, making the person in question more vulnerable to danger."

"He... I guess you are right. But I am still surprised you can still continue talking considering the amount that I drank and that you are lightheaded."

Louisa: "I guess that I have a better physique than the norm. But I think that for the best, I should rest. You followed my scent, so you must at least have an idea where I live, right? Or do I need to tell you the exact address?"

"Of I know where you live, I actually stayed in this very place for a long time, I know this place like the back of my hand. Alright, enough talking. You just got your blood donated, and you need to rest. More specifically, you need sleep. So keep your mouth shut, and I will get you home."

When the pair reached home...

Louisa: "Um. . . I'd first like to change before sleeping. I need you to wait outside the door for a while."

"Ok, no problem. You need a first ai. . . Never mind, there is one in your room from where I can see it."




'Did she... oh no!'

"Hey... Louisa? (Opens door) Oh my... she fainted."

Damien lifted her and placed her on the bed.

'Louisa... you certainly have a lot of mysterious. Though some cracks are shown to see it's colours, is not the full gemstone that is shown. There is still more hidden beauty in you, just waiting to be crack fully open. But for now, I will wait.'

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