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Aww look at those cutie boys <3

Robin's POV:

"Y/nnn" no answer. "Babyyyyy" again no answer. "Mi amorrrrrr answer meee" I whine once more.

Y/n has been ignoring me bc 1. I kinda stole her snacks (and it's worse bc shes on her period)

2. This girl, Charlotte is tutoring me in math but the bad thing is, Y/n HATES Charlotte bc she always flirts with me but i cant get out of her tutoring or I'll fail.

So now idk what to do to make her talk to me, hug or cuddle me or even look at me!!!

After 10 mins of trying to get her to look up from her book to come cuddle me, I get an idea. I jump up from the bed and walk out of the room.

Y/n's POV:

I'm still ignoring my boyfriend, Robin for some reasons and my mood swings aren't making it any better.

Robin has been trying to get my attention
for like 20 mins but then he stops and just randomly walks out of the room and I hear the front door.

I get a little sad bc even if I'm ignoring him, I want him here, trying to get my attention duh.

So I lay down and go on my phone.

3 minutes later

Robin has been gone for around 4 or 5 minutes and I'm rly curious on why he left.

All of a sudden, Robin bursts through the door with a big bag which looks like it has snacks in it.

I stare at him trying not to smile at what he did. "Ok so I went to the grab'n go and I got all your favourite snacks..." Robin ranted on while looking through the bag, but his voice drowns out while I just admire him.

My beautiful boyfriend. Even when I'm a little sad or just very quiet, he always notices and try's to make me laugh or even have a smile on my face, even if it's a small smile.

"...So I hope I'm not forgetting anything, OO and when we go back to school on Monday, I'll ask Miss Wilson if I can change tutors-" I cut Robin off by getting off the bed, walking up to him and hugging him with my arms around he's shoulders.

I can tell he's shocked but he obviously hugs back with his arms around my waist with a tight grip, putting his head on top of mine.

I pull away a little to look at him but we're still very close that our noses are touching.

I look deep in his eyes " I love you Robin, thank you." I can't help but admire his eyes.

Oh how I just love his eyes, those dark brown eyes. It's like god wanted to make me go into a trance every time I look into them.

"I love you too Corazón" He says look back into my eyes with the same admiration.

Finally we slowly lean in and our lips touch.

That's another thing I love abt him. His lips are so soft, I would kiss him all day if I could.

The kiss was very meaningful, it was full of love and passion.

After a while we break apart and I put my head back onto his chest.

Just standing in the middle of the room in silence, while holding each other. A couple minutes go by and we move to the bed to cuddle.

The rest of the day is filled with watching movies, having stupid conversations, giggling and laughing and eating so many snacks, all while cuddling.

I guess we're just two teenagers in love.

HEYY GUYS DW IM ALIVEE so the mood kinda changed a bit as you can probably tell yeah well im listening to CAS so let's blame that and idk why that took like a month to finish liekkkkk



655 words<3

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