Once I told Tae that we may have caught the culprit, not only of Jungkook's recent scare but someone connected to what
had happened to Jared all those years ago, Tae revealed that he had a connection with an FBI agent, one Special Agent Lance.

Tae called in a favor with him
and then suddenly we had an
FBI agent assisting in our investigation, which sped up a
lot of the paperwork we needed to nail the son of a bitch.

It turned out the camera actually caught a clear glimpse of the culprit's face as he turned
away from Jungkook's car.

Something I had missed
when I'd been watching the
first time because of my own anger and investment.

Jih hadn't caught it because
he was too worried I was
about to lose my shit.

Either way, it meant we had enough to go on to do a facial recognition search.

We found the man's name quickly with Dubois' connections and suddenly, only hours after first watching the video, we
had a name and address to
work with and we were suiting
up to go make the arrest.

Jih pulled me aside as the team was running their final checks, Sheriff Jones himself was even going out into the field for once but before he even spoke, I
beat him to the punch.

"I know and I'm not going."

"I'm too invested in this and
this is too important for that."

"We can't risk losing this guy, this investigation or Jiwoo because I'm too emotional
to make the right calls."

"I know if I saw him I'd beat
the teeth out of his skull for
what he almost did to my
omega and that's if I didn't just end up putting a bullet in him."

Jih let out a low whistle and nodded.

"That's about what I was gonna say." He smiled grimly at me, knowing how much it cost me
to stay behind.

"Didn't figure you had all that gore in you, though."

"I don't normally." I grumped.

Jih let out a laugh that had everyone in the station turning
to look our way.

"Just one thing, partner." I said, halting him as he turned to
leave and join the team.

"Bring him back."

"There's no other option." Jih assured me, It was good
having this man at my back.

His loyalty and steadfastness were things I wanted to make sure I never took for granted.

Movies often overused the term 'brothers in arms but I felt like Jih was my family, especially tonight when he was risking
his life to do a job I couldn't
trust myself on.

It felt like I paced the station
for days.

I wasn't able to stop or focus
on any of the paperwork that awaited me on my desk.

I imagined every possible scenario, the guy escaping out
a back window that someone ignored in an attempt for glory, them finding him but the perp having a weapon and getting shot before I could question
him and the worst one him
just not being there at all.

I couldn't stand the thought
of us losing him before we
ever even had a chance.

I wanted to call Jungkook,
talk through it all with him
but I also wanted to wait
until I had real news, not just impatient fantasies.

I didn't want to worry him, I
just wanted to give him good news.

It only took a little over two hours for them to haul the man back into the station with Jih holding him firmly and possibly
a bit too tight as he lugged
him through the front doors.

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