Chapter 10

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Sorry for not updating. I've been having a very bad week. And I really feel like giving up, but I'm not! And I think I'm really proud of this chapter! Hope you like it, tell me if you do.

After Chiron made some announcements everyone went to make s'mores.

Nico was really cold, he wished he could get his jacket back. His friends seemed to be fine.

" How can you guys not be cold." Nico asked them, as they went to grab the supplies to make them self s'mores.

" It isn't that cold out." Jason told him.

As they arrived at the table, Nico saw Will with his friends. they were throwing marshmallow at each other, trying to catch it in their mouths.

Nico turned to look at his friends.

I don't think they would notice if I left, Nico thought.

So then he went to where Will was.

"Hi" He said awkwardly, walking up to them.

"Nico!" Will yelled, as he got hit with a marshmallow on the nose. Which made Lou-Ellen and Cecil laugh.

" Yeah, it's me."

"Um... what are you doing here?" Will asked, trying to make conversation.

"Well I was with my friends," Nico smiled for a second at the thought of him actually having friends " And then I saw you, and wanted to say hi."

"Oh." Will said.

Then there was an awkward silence.

"Hey, Nico!" Cecil yelled, and Nico turned just in time to see him throw a marshmallow at him.

Trying to do what he saw the others do, he tried to catch it in his mouth.

He failed.

The others started to laugh at his attempt, and Nico started to blush.

"Shut up!" He said.

"Nico, that was hilarious though! You should have seen your face! " Will laughed.

Then he saw that Nico was very angry, and he stopped laughing immediately.

" I'm sorry, Nico. we weren't laughing at you though please don't be mad."

Nico felt bad for ruining their fun.

" It's fine, I was just acting like a baby. Sorry."

Just then there was a small breeze, and Nico shuddered.

"Oh! Are you cold?" Will asked " Do you want my sweater?"

"N-no. I'm fine."

" I can see that you're cold. Take it or I'm gonna hug you until you're warm." Will spread out his arms.


"You know I'm not gunna listen to you." Will slowly walked towards Nico.

Nico ran, and tried to hide behind Cecil and Lou-Ellen, trying to make them like a wall. Will went after him, laughing. Will chased Nico around his two other friends until Lou-Ellen stepped away and pushed Will towards Nico and they both fell to the ground, causing the other two to laugh.

"Sorry" Will said, as he helped Nico get up. "Are you alright?"

"I'm fine." Nico said.

" Are you still cold?" Will asked.

Nico sighed, annoyed. " Just give me your sweater."

Will smiled and gave it to him.

As soon as Nico put it on, a girl ran to Will. She started talking to him and Will frowned. he turned to Nico.

"Sorry, I gotta go." He said, then told The other two to go and help him. and they all went to the infirmary.

"Bye, then." Nico said, as he was already to far to hear him.

Nico then went back to find his friends. they were nowhere near the campfire but when he went a little farther he found them. They were making s'mores, using Leo as the fire.

Nico went to go stand next to Jason, pushing Percy out of the way so he could stand next to his friend.

"Where have you been? " Jason questioned.

"I was with a friend."

Percy butted in "oooh is that where you got the sweater?" Wiggling his eyebrows and nudging Nico with his elbow.

Nico blushed, and pushed him away. "Shut up, Percy."

After that Percy and Jason turned back to whatever they were doing.

Nico was happy, now. Right now, he felt like he belonged. They all laughed at something Leo said, and Nico brought his hand up to cover his smile.

Then he realized how nice the sweater smelled...

He shook his head and listened to what his friends were saying.

Near the end of the campfire he went back to his cabin, forgetting that he still had the sweater.

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