Chapter 3

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Look at the fortune I got from a fortune cookie! It reminded me of solangelo. I'll stop talking now. Enjoy this chapter.

As Will and Nico walked to the infirmary, Will saw his friends Lou-Ellen and Cecil walking toward them.

"Hey, where you guys going?" Cecil asked, both him and Lou-Ellen were smiling and it kind of creeped Will out.

" We're going to the infirmary, Will said I had to stay there for three days." Nico told them. They entered the infirmary and went to Nico's bed.

"You can leave now " Will said, turning to his friends.

"C'mon, we just want to hang out." Lou-Ellen said.

"You cant, I have a lot of patients to heal."

"Then we'll hang out with Nico"

"You can't, he needs to rest. That's why he's here."

"We just want to show Nico we want to be his friends, and I don't think he would mind, right Nico?" She turned to look at him and he said "I don't mind"

"Besides, Will" Cecil started "you can't keep him all to your self "

This made Will blush. They were the only ones who knew about his crush on the son of Hades, and they constantly teased him about it.

"Cecil! ugh...fine you can stay."

Will turned around and went to help other patients. Sometimes he would look at his friends, Lou-Ellen would be telling Nico something and Cecil would be laughing his head off, and Nico had a very small smile hidden behind his hand.

Will turned back to his patient. this is not the time for getting distracted, he thought.

He went to go get some ambrosia, but there was none. He made a list of anything else they were out of, and grabbed one of his younger sisters to help him carry the stuff.

On the way to the big house, he thought of the first time he met Nico.


Will was sitting in the infirmary helping his brother, Micheal.

Well he wasn't really helping. He just got to camp a few weeks ago. He was one of the lucky ones who got claimed right away. But he and his siblings learned very quickly that he can not do archery or write poetry very well. So, to not get anyone hurt, he sat in the infirmary helping as much as he could.

They wouldn't let him heal anyone, just in case.

"Excuse me" a voice said.

Will turned around and saw a boy around his age. He had dark hair and dark brown eyes. He was wearing a Camp Half-blood shirt just like Will's.

"What do you need?" Will asked, kinda bored.

"Um, I was trying to learn how to use a sword, and I fell and got cut. And it hurts really bad. And I need someone to fix it. Can you do that?" The boy gasped " do you have any cool powers too? Are you a son of Apollo? Is that why your in the infirmary? To heal people?-"

This must be the new kid. Will heard he talked a lot and played a weird game. Will cut him off " Yes, I am a son of Apollo. "

Then he got an idea, he didn't know if it would go well but that was a risk he was willing to take.

"And I can help you with that cut." Will looked around, making sure no one was looking. "Fallow me"

He went to find a book that a few of his younger siblings used. It had directions on how to heal stuff.

When he found it he looked around again, then opened it to the page he needed.

"Oohh, is that written in-"

"Yes, yes it is. Shhh."

Will did what it said. He washed the cut, gave very very little piece of ambrosia, and then there was a part he was very nervous about.

He had to use some kind of healing spell. He didn't know what it was, but he did see his brother do it, and he new there was no way he could do that.

But he had to try.

So he took the boys arm and started to say the words in the book, trying to copy the way his brother did it.

He didn't know if it was working or not, he just kept going.

When he was done he opened his eyes and looked at the boy. He was staring at his arm.

"That. Was. Awsome!" The boy said. Will looked down and saw that the boy's cut was completely gone.

"I'm Nico, by the way. What's your name?"


"Do you wanna play a game with me Will?"

"Sure"Will said "they don't need me here anyway"

Then they both ran out of the infirmary, they decided to play in Will's cabin.

Nico showed Will how to play. Will didn't think the game was that weird.

While they played they talked. Will told Nico about his family back at home, and his school, then how he told Nico how he got here and how no one really liked him. Nico told Will about the school he and his sister went to. Then he told Will that the only person he talked to here was the girl near the fire. Will didn't know who he was talking about. Then Nico told Will how his sister went on the quest and how he convinced Percy to sneak out of the camp to keep his sister safe. Then he told Will that it was supposed to be a secret.

They decided that they would be friends, since they didn't have anyone else.


Will realized that he was already halfway back to the infirmary.

Will thought of how he wasn't careful enough when he looked around in the infirmary, the next day Michael told him he saw how he helped Nico.
Michael let Will actually do stuff in the infirmary after that.

He felt sad remembering his brothers Michael and Lee.

He entered the infirmary and saw Cecil and Lou-Ellen leaving.

"Hey, Nico said he was tired so we are going now." Lou-Ellen said.

"And it's almost lunch time." Cecil said

Will and his sister hurried to put the supplies away. As they went to leave, Will saw Nico fast asleep, curled up, under a bunch of blankets.

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