"What?" I chuckle

That's impossible, they are pranking me.

The don't say anything, my laugh disappears, what are they so serious.

"That's not true" I shake my head but they still they don't say anything

I look a them but they're serious, Andrea is crying.

"That's not true, I saw him yesterday, no, you're lying"

Andrea tries to hug me but I back up, tears falling from my eyes, it's impossible, they are lying.

Carlos is fine.

"No, no, no, it's not true" I shake my head, trying to get away, air is not coming in my lungs.

No, and suddenly something snaps, the house looked weird, his shampoos, his dirty car.


Andrea looks at Gabriel

"Gabriel call Owen" she says and hugs me

I'm in panic, because it's not possible, no it's not true, I have to find him.

"Hey TK, take a deep breath, come on, breath with me" she is saying to me but I just can't.

Time passes I don't even know how much, but I still can't breathe, my dad comes to me.

"Hey, TK it's ok, it's gonna be ok take a deep breath... in 1..2..3.. out, yes you're doing good"

No, I'm not okay, it's not true.

"Dad...*gasps* is it? *gasps*" I tried to ask him if it was real he didn't answer but the way he looked at me said it all.

And I wasn't able to take a simple breath, everything gets dark.

I come to my senses, I'm laying on something soft I can hear voices

"I'm so sorry, I don't know what was that, he was doing good, the program really help, he is sober now, I'm sorry" says a voice I think is my dad

"No Owen, don't apologize, we understand" another soft voice says maybe Andrea
I open my eyes, I get up and my dad gets close, he offers me a glass of water, I take it and drink, my throat is sore. Like I've been screaming.

I remember.

"Tk, how are you feeling?" My dad asks

I can't answer, I feel that if I open my mouth I'm gonna throw up. I shake my head

"Tk you remember what happen?" Andrea asks me softly

I don't know if they are asking about earlier or about what happened to Carlos.

"I had a panic attack, but I don't know... what happened to..." I start crying again.

"You don't remember the accident?" My dad asks worried

"Accident? What accident?" I ask, the nauseous feeling intensifying

"Maybe we should take you for check up, did you hit your head recently?" He says worried

"What? No. What accident?"

I say serious, why I can't remember.

"You had an accident, a car accident 2 years ago, you don't remember?" He says really worried
Andrea sitting next to me

An accident?

I try to remember and eventually I do, the memories of it coming to my mind. But I remember he was fine, Tommy said he was fine.

Don't let go- TarlosWhere stories live. Discover now