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I stood outside the entrance of the bar and pulled in a lungful of fresh air, sighing with relief. There was a shadowy cluster of people crowding around nearby. The smell of cigarette smoke filled the air.

I walked past them and huddled down on the step of a darkened doorway on my left. I'd just got out my phone when I saw someone glancing in my direction.

"For Gawd's sake, another one of your fucking groupies, Mellketh," a voice groaned. A guy's. "Dude, I don't know what you do to them. Though this one is pretty hot. Well, as hot as a chick dressed as a blue dog can be."

He sniggered.

"Yeah." Another young male voice, strident. I could hear the mocking in it. "Reckon she's naked under that costume?"

Face burning, I shot bolt upright. The nerve of some people. I dropped my phone into my pocket with an angry clang, pushed myself to my feet and stalked off in the direction of the voices.

Three years ago, I had promised to myself I wouldn't be made to feel small again. That I'd never hear scorn ringing in anyone's voice, or curl up in the shadows, alone, hollowed out.

That I'd fight back.

I stopped behind their backs now.

"Excuse me, I'm right here, you know," I said, seething, and my bullies' faces fluttered in my memory. "I have ears. And manners, unlike you lot. And for your information, Stitch is a blue alien. Not a blue dog. That's general knowledge, pals."

There was a stunned silence as the small gang of people turned to stare at me. I stood there, a sudden embarrassment taking over me. Then, opposite me, dressed in black, a young man laughed, low and husky. I felt my whole body reacting to the sound.

"Too damned right," Kal Mellketh said. "Now, guys, would be an excellent time for you to put a sock in it and leave."

His eyes wandered over to my face. I saw them widen slightly in recognition.

"You not coming to Camilla's or what? I thought we were all leaving together, man," one of the guys said. "Camilla's already asking about you."

"Then she'll have to wait," he said. "See you later."

The others cast one last bewildered glance at me before slouching off.

Kal Mellketh looked at me. 

"Sorry about that. They might have a talent for music, but also a distinct lack of functioning brain cells."


I felt a wave of shyness woosh over me. I fiddled with my sleeves, suddenly all too conscious of my appearance. I cursed Vanessa for the tenth time.

He sat down on the graffitied bench behind us, and after a moment of hesitation, I perched down on his left, keeping a cautious distance from him.

"I'm not one of your – of your groupies," I blurted out. "Just for the record."

Oh crap, it hadn't sounded that harsh in my head. Worried that I'd offended him, I peered at him.

He darted an amused look at me, unbothered.

"I know. You're Rae. Aren't you?"

He remembered my name.

"Yes," I said, secretly thrilled.

Up close, I could see the small dark mole on his left ear and the subtle creases in his black shirt. It was taking all my willpower to refrain from gawking at him.

"I'm Kal," said Kal Mellketh. "Great costume, by the way. Original. All I came across earlier were stripper Cinderellas."

"Yeah, well," I said, feeling proud that I was managing to talk to him without making an idiot of myself. "I only save this costume for special occasions, you see. For special people."

His mouth twitched. "Yeah? I feel flattered, then."

Plucking up the little remaining courage I had left, I retorted: "Whatever makes you think I meant you?"

He looked at me sideways, then shook his head. He was grinning.

"Oh man. I think I'm going to like you, Rae."

I rubbed my clammy palms on my thighs, wiping the anxious sweat off. Was he – no, he couldn't be – was he flirting with me? Was I flirting with him?

"I'm not sure if you should. I'm much too odd," I said.

"That makes two of us, then."

Then he swivelled his head so that his blue eyes locked with mine. I made myself look right back at him, my heart pounding. He didn't break the eye contact, and a swooping sensation filled my stomach.

My eyelids burned. Three seconds more. He was the most fascinating creature I'd ever met, the man in black sitting by my side. I couldn't hold his gaze any longer. A strange feeling fluttered inside my chest. Five seconds. Seven. I was going to burst.

I dropped my eyes.

"What did you dress up in, anyway?" I asked.

He smelt of coffee and cologne. I could have reached out a hand and touched him. He was so near me, and I wanted to so badly. But I stayed still, and gazed down at my grubby white Converse.

"Ah," he said in the half-darkness, and I could almost taste the smile in his voice. "I went as Kal Mellketh. That's enough costume as it is."

I said nothing. I wondered what would have happened if I hadn't come out for some air. I wondered what I would have done if I'd known he was outside. I would've frozen with shyness and not dared approach him, probably.

Afterwards, when everything happened, I would come to believe that, sooner or later, I'd have run into him again.

He was mine. He was my destiny.

"Well, it was great seeing you again, Rae," Kal said, unfolding himself to his feet. "Even if you offered me no free drinks or something."

I laughed. "Cheek!"

"Hey, you can't blame a guy for trying. Got to go now; annoying people are waiting. Cheers."

He strolled off into the night, and a lonely wind made stray beer cans jingle around his feet. I watched him walk away from me, heart banging.

Did I dare?

I knew it was now or never.

"Kal?" I asked, and his name felt alien in my mouth. He stopped walking, and looked over his shoulder at me, questioningly. "Could I have your phone number?"

 "Could I have your phone number?"

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