chit chat

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Clink clink.

"Rae, you won't believe who's coming to tea this afternoon. Oh, excuse me, madam, could I possibly have another glass of wine? Red, yes. Thank you. Rae, you won't believe who I've managed to get hold of and is popping round to see you."


"Michael Darraghey! Remember me telling you about him? Petunia's boy – he's about your age. Whenever I see him at work, I always make sure to talk to him for a while and drop huge hints that you're single and available and –"


"Now don't look like that, dear. And do eat your steak, it's going to go stone cold and costs a bloody fortune. Michael is a rather nice lad, Rae. Well dressed, hardworking. Has murky financial affairs, is a bit of a crook, if I didn't know any better. He's rolling in it, absolutely rolling in it. He's going to make it big at the firm, I know he is. Raymond, tell your daughter Michael Darraghey is quite a catch."

"Mum, will you just stop matchmaking? I keep telling you I'm not interested in any of these random guys you introduce me to. And don't go on about me at work, for goodness' sake. It's so embarrassing. It makes me look like a desperate idiot."

"Well, you are desperate, darling, aren't you? You never bring home any nice men for us to meet. I mean, all right, we're not asking for a world-famous criminal, but a simple little swindler would do."

"Oh God. Don't start."

"Don't say that word. And don't take that tone with your mother either. You could at least give this young man a chance; he does sound rather promising. Rae? Rae, I'm talking to you."

"Darling, I talked Michael into staying for Sect Evening after tea. He's such an enthusiast for that kind of thing, and even if he's just a stupid little human, he shows potential. Maybe you and him could start a devil-worship sect together? I do think it's high time you lead one of your own now, maybe even start making a trip or two Below every now and then. Having contacts is essential."

"...I don't want to."

"What? Don't be silly, dear. Of course you do– you're a demon."

"I know what I am. But – but I'm not going to lead any sect or appear at yours again, for that matter. I'm not going to meet Michael. I'm not going to warp people's minds, or buy souls, or be responsible for anyone's pain, not any longer. I don't want to – to be like you."

"...Bloody Hell, Deborah, what's got into her?"

"Now stop all this foolish nonsense. Can't you see you are what you are – you can't rebel against your nature. It's in your blood. What's the matter with you lately? You're spoiling our dinner."

"You don't get it, do you? You never have."

"Child, are you crying?"

"Maybe you're right. Maybe I can't fight who I am. But I'm going to try anyway – I'm going to try to be the person I've always wanted to be but never dared. Don't laugh, Dad. I'm going to do the things that fulfil me from now on, and I'm going to work with animals, even if you don't approve. I'm – I'm sorry."

"Rae, I don't understand. Why would you choose to be different?"

"Because I can't turn myself into someone I'm not. I won't let myself be someone I'm not."


Ring ring.

"Oh, it's you, Eds."

"Hey, great to see you too, bastard. Even my great-aunt Millicent looks more excited at my arrival than you, and that's saying something. You busy now? I was going to suggest we go out for a spot of lunch. How's that sound?"

"Er, I'm afraid now isn't a good time. I've got company, you see."

"Oh my god, you're insatiable, Kal. But no worries, she can come along too, your new shag. There's this new pizza place that's opened up right next to my house. It's on me."

"Eden, don't be vulgar. And it's not like that at all. She's not like the others."

"Yeah, yeah. I bet you spin that pretty tale to all of them. Anyway, aren't you going to let me in? I'm not going to stand here all morning like a doofus. Let me meet her; I promise I'll be ever so polite. Hey, you smell nice."

"We'll go have lunch another day, okay, Eds? Friday if you like."

"Kal, did you just literally block my entrance?"

"I'm sorry, Eds. I told you this is a bad time."

"What's going on? You're acting really weird. Are you afraid I might scare her away or something? I'm not that big of a looney, you know. Go on, let me stay for ten minutes, tops. I just want to see you for a bit; it's been ages. I'll just make us some coffee and huddle in the kitchen, quiet as a mouse. She won't even know I'm there, honest."

"Eden, no. I'm going to close the door now, okay? Don't look like that. I'll see you Friday."

"Kal. Kal!"


Buzz buzz.

16:03 Kal: hey my redheaded beauty

16:04 Kal: okay that's really cheesy, sounded better in my head

16:05 Kal: what are we doing tomorrow, then? Can't wait to see you again

16:17 Rae: heyyy

16:17 Rae: just a bit cheesy hehe. Didn't know we were doing anything tomorrow

16:24 Kal: well now you do :)

16:37 Rae: great! we could go to the movies if you like. Hey I forgot to tell you, I got the job!

16:45 Kal: really? Canine hairdresser assistant one, right? I'm soooo glad! When you starting?

16:47 Rae: Monday. place is called Dogglamourous haha

16:50 Kal: brilliant, you'll be able to style my hair then.

16:52 Rae: only if you behave :) and I'm thinking that when I've qualified as a firefighter I might enrol in a vet assistant course too

16:53 Rae: don't give a shit what my parents say any longer

16:55 Kal: that's my girl!

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