Chapter Thirty One

Start from the beginning

Drea's head is supported by her hand, eyes looking glassy and ready for a good nights rest. Dad himself sports slumped shoulders and an expression of exhaustion.

I feel how they both look.

I reach for my phone only to realize that I left it in the car.

"Aw, shit, I'll be right back." I say, breaking them both from their blank gazes at the table.

"Is everything okay, sweetheart?" Dad asks, only a little concerned.

"Yea, I just forgot my phone. Trivia Crack isn't going to play itself." I respond, but dad stops me before I can stand.

"That's alright, I can go grab it." He offers and I give him a smile, nodding in acceptance.

It isn't until I'm watching him open the door to his car through the diner windows until I remember my earlier conversation with he-who-shall-not-be-named.

I hold my breath, feeling a bit lightheaded by that epiphany. I can only hope that either Ethan hasn't responded yet or dad doesn't sneak a peek at my phone.

Keeping my eyes glued to him, he doesn't look at the screen once. My anxiety spikes when he steps out of my line of sight the closer he gets to the doors.

I clutch my fingers together and wait until he walks in. He turns the corner and makes his way to us, holding my phone in the opposite hand he had grabbed it with moments ago.

I feel my heart drop, hoping he just switched hands to grab the door or something. Either way, the detail stresses me out until he takes a seat with a neutral expression.

"Thank you for grabbing that for me." I force a lighthearted tone and reach for my device. Just before I can get ahold of it, he pulls it from my grasp.

"I think we should talk about the message waiting for you." His face is somber and shoulder much more tense than they were when we had first walked in.

"Uh...what message?" I ask nervously, knowing playing dumb won't help this matter.

"Disregarding the message from an 'Ethan'—which we will discuss later—I would like to know why your mother believes that you are going to be living with her." His firmness bleeds into hesitation, "Were you wanting to stay with her after her discharge?"

I take a second to absorb what he'd said. I had began preparing myself for a whole different subject, but this strikes me more intensely than if he had made the connection with Ethan and Mr. Halloway being the same person.

"I—I" My throat closes at the thought, what dad must be thinking right now. "Dad, I genuinely have no idea what you're talking about. I haven't talked to mom since...since she was in the hospital."

He sighs, looking disappointed. "Don't be afraid to hurt my feelings, sweetheart. I can't say I understand, but I will support whatever decision you make. I'll warn you of her state but..."

His pained expression is enough for me to interrupt him.

"Dad, no. Please trust me when I say that I don't want to do that. Ever. I know full well how batshit crazy she is—" I pause when he gives a warning look but continue, "We have our own thing going, anyway. You and Drea are my family now."

I smile and snake one hand to place over Dreas and the other to rest on dads forearm.

"Okay, well you may have to tell your mother that." He responds, sliding my phone over the table.

"Hi hun! I'm feeling a lot better so they'll be releasing me in now time. I can't wait to see you and your beautiful face. I'll be home in no time. Maybe when I'm out we can go get ice cream and have that spa day"

The message saddens me the more I read it. When I get to the end, a tear springs to my eye.

Her mentioning our long-lost spa day was meant to hit a nerve. It was a targeted attack against my emotions and I know it.

"You don't have to worry about me ever going back to mom. I don't think I can look at her ever again." I mutter and click my phone off before dropping it to the table with a clank.

Drea moves her hand, catching my attention. Her worried look earns a head shake from me.

"Paige?" Dad asks, sounding a bit upset.

Before I get the chance to reply, our food arrives and is placed in front of us.

As delicious as it looks and smells, I can't find my lost appetite. That pisses me off even more.

The newfound distaste with my dinner choice puts me in more of a sour mood than before. Drea picks at her food as well. Dad has no trouble digging into his steak, his chewing the main topic of conversation now.

I munch on a fry as Drea begins her main course as well.

Ten minutes pass and I've gotten half my fries down as thoughts of mom fill my claustrophobic head.

Once again, I'm occupied by the constant stress from mom and Ethan. They seem to always want to wiggle their way into my anxieties.

I pick my phone back up to view my only other unread message.

"Okay, you tell me when and where and I'll be there."

My eyes skim over it in thought before I turn my phone back off without answering. I'll worry about him tomorrow.

I feel like putting these issues on the back burner let's them fester and boil over but my energy levels can't take it. My body feels strung out more so than ever and once again, I plummet into the dark fog that's settled in the back of my brain.

With another sigh, I scoot forward to sip my Dr. Pepper.

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