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Hey I'm back sorry I took so long

February 11th
📍Kennedys house


I wake up grab my phone to check the time it was 6:50 everybody was gonna be getting up soon It was dark in the room soo l couldn't see anything I try to get up but I feel someone's weight on my chest I use my phone to turn on my flash and I see Kennedy images from last night start poring in "OH SHIT WE FUCKED" I thought to myself.

I gently get her off me making sure she doesn't wake up I didn't wanna deal with this shi right now once I got her off me I put my shit back on and my pants and my shoes I grabbed my hoodie and my keys and put my hoodie on.

as I was walking out the house I closed the door and got in my car and started driving home once I got home I went up to my room and layed down on my bed thinking about what happened

" shit shit shit I just had sex with my best friends  lil sister what the fuckkkk what am I gonna do now I don't regret what happened I've liked her since forever but what about Ledeon shit man I gotta stay away from her I love her honestly I do but Ledeon never gonna let it happen .

Suddenly I felt my phone ring it was Kennedy I didn't know what to say to her so I didn't answer I knew that I was gonna have to face her at some point but it doesn't have to be right now.

POV:KennedyI wake and sit up in my bed I feel my shorts off and I'm in a t-Shirt and my underwear then I remember what happened last night I grab my phone to call him to see we're he went I honestly regret nothing I've liked him since forever and ...

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I wake and sit up in my bed I feel my shorts off and I'm in a t-Shirt and my underwear then I remember what happened last night I grab my phone to call him to see we're he went I honestly regret nothing I've liked him since forever and maybe now that i know he feels the same we can be together but id have to find a way to tell my brother abt it as the phone rings he didn't answer I called 2 more times no answer.

I told myself that "he better not be trying to avoid me"but in the mean time I need to shower and get ready

I get up and go in my closet and pick out this cute little red fit I set it on my bed for when I get out I got in the shower and washed my hair while I was in there witch made my curls pop out cause I had them flat irond I get out put my towel over my body and brush my teeth and do my skincare

Once I'm done with that I put on my outfit and spray some Vanilla perfume on me

Once I'm done with that I put on my outfit and spray some Vanilla perfume on me

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