Excalibur says, walking past him and placing some pillows on his bed.

Wait... you guys...

Yeah. Like you, we didn't get to know our parents.

Some of us grew up in orphanages.

Excalibur says, glancing at Volt.

While some of us...

He looks at Mag, who is already tucked in and is desperately trying to sleep through the talking.

... were left to fend for themselves.

Enough of this, we have a new mother, and she's really great.

Volt says, jumping onto his bed to lie down.

Does that mean, Caretaker is our-!

Before he can finish the sentence, a pillow flies directly onto his face.

Mag, that's mean.

Excalibur scolds.

What he said was meaner.

Mag retorts.

Excalibur apologizes before grabbing the pillow and giving it back to Mag.

How about we go to sleep. Maybe tomorrow, Mag will wake up in a good mood.

Excalibur says, rolling his eyes, not liking what Mag did to Rhino.

I'm sure I will, Excalibur.

She hisses before covering herself with her blanket.

Again, I'm sorry.

No biggie, it's not like it actually hurt me.

Rhino chuckles as he happily lays on the new comfy bed.

Rhino stares at the ceiling before dozing off.

He opens his eyes, feeling like he's not asleep at all.

Instead of the room, he is met with a regal place. He instantly recognizes Excalibur as he talks to the woman he assumes to be Lotus.

Excalibur quickly hops off his seat and jogs towards Rhino before whispering something to him.

Lotus chuckles.

Oh, Excalibur, there's no need.

Excalibur ignores her and walks back. Rhino takes Excalibur's instructions and kneels.

Thank you for taking me in, Lady Lotus.

The Lotus stands up with a smile and casually pinches his cheek.

It's nice to meet you again, Rhino.

She giggles, giving a blush to the kid.

As the two meet, Mag suddenly appears behind Rhino, surprising him.

Lady Lotus! I have a question!

Mag shouts, her eyes flaming with anger.


Excalibur says in disappointment and irritation, glaring daggers at the girl.

Mag caves in and instantly kneel.

Sorry, Lady Lotus. But I need to ask a question.

She meekly says, looking down.

As powerful as ever, Mag.

Don't Disturb The Kids (Warframe X TTIGRAAS)Where stories live. Discover now