"At least they let your head remain on your shoulders and didn't completely rip it off," Cyrus shrugged, making all three of them look at him with shocked expressions.

"You heartless idiot," Lucius gasped, smacking the back of Cyrus's head for what seemed like the hundredth time that day.

Reia shot them a nasty glare, warning them to stop if they didn't want to get tied up like feral dogs again, the other two sensing the menacing energy emanating from his body and immediately stopping their childish fight.

They walked like that for a few more hours, Cyrus constantly complaining that they would have gotten there so much faster if they just used their vampire speed and left the "useless" ghost behind -which earned him a few more punches and slaps from an angry looking Lucius.

When they stopped walking in a quiet neighborhood, the sun had already long since gone down, the bright moon being the only source of light besides the few illuminating poles that emanated a warm, golden light onto the empty street lined with cozy looking houses.

"She's somewhere around here," Laila whispered, fearfully looking around, but all she could see was darkness.

"Well, I hope that crazy bitch isn't killing anyone else while we're standing here like a bunch of idiots," Cyrus complained while looking around him with weary eyes. "This is a vampire neighborhood, right?" he asked after a few seconds.

Right as the question left his mouth, a pained cry was heard from the end of the street, near one of the houses there. All four of them snapped their eyes in that direction, anxiety filling their hearts.

"That's her!" Laila cried, pointing to a inhumane figure up ahead.

"Well shit," Reia cursed, rushing towards the werewolf, Lucius and Cyrus following closely behind.

Sam wasn't completely turned into a wolf, but she had the paws and legs of one, sharp nails and teeth ripping into the flesh of a bloody, crying vampire on the ground. Without wasting another second, Lucius -who was the fastest out of the three of them- rushed in, swiftly picking up the wounded vampire before Sam could land another hit, laying him down to safety a few feet away from the raging werewolf.

Cyrus took out three bombs from his jacket, preparing to throw them at her, but a desperate cry stopped him. "Don't kill her! Please!" Laila frantically sobbed, begging him not to throw the explosives at her mate.

"Then what the fuck are we supposed to do, you crazy ghost?" he snapped at her, but, before she could answer, Sam rushed towards Cyrus and Reia, both of them barely escaping her attack.

"I can momentarily restrain her, but I still haven't recuperated all of my magic mana," Reia explained as he dodged the furious werewolf's attacks. "Cyrus, distract her with a few of your bombs. Lucius, come with me. I have a plan that might stop her," he instructed.

Cyrus rushed towards the werewolf, grabbing the now extremely confused creature by the neck and plummeting her to the ground, blood pouring out of Sam's mouth as a pained groan escaped from deep within her throat. "Take that, you feral dog!" Cyrus mocked her, looking smug and proud. However, his cockiness was short lived, as Sam quickly recovered, punching him with one of her pawed hands and making him fly backwards, the werewolf rushing towards him.

Reia took Lucius's knife, slicing his palm -not as deeply as he had before, since he was still recovering. The blood quickly formed a rope, which had sneaked behind the distracted werewolf, quickly wrapping itself around her and restraining all of her movements. Reia could feel Sam fighting back, and he knew that in his current condition he wouldn't be able to hold on for long.

"Lucius! Lend some of your mana to Laila!" Reia instructed, struggling to maintain the blood rope around Sam.

Lucius gave him a confused look, but he quickly caught onto what Reia was planning. He approached the scared looking ghost, lifting his hand up and closing his eyes, a silver looking strand of magic leavening his palm and gently flowing towards Laila, entering her transparent body and disappearing. Slowly, the transparent body wasn't so transparent anymore. She flickered in and out of existence, but she was undoubtedly there. She looked down at her hands, shock falling onto her face, but she quickly knew what she had to do.

"Sam!" she desperately screamed.

The werewolf immediately stopped struggling and trying to fight Cyrus, slowly looking towards the sound of the voice she had missed the most. Her mate's voice. That's when Reia noticed the spiral in her tear filled eyes, his breath hitching. The swirl in Sam's eyes disappeared when she recognized Laila, her brown eyes looking at her, holding so much pain that it made Laila sob. "Laila?" Sam asked, tears running down her cheeks.

The ghost rushed towards her, wrapping her arms around her bloody body right as Reia released the blood rope holding her. They both collapsed to the ground, crying and tightly holding each other. Lucius and Cyrus joined Reia, looking at the two crying girls with sad eyes.

"You have to stop this!" Laila cried, cupping Sam's face with both of her small hands. "Please, Sam. I don't want you killing innocent vampires just to avenge me. I don't want revenge. I just want you to keep on living happily, knowing that I'm forever by your side, even if you can't see me anymore."

Sam began sobbing even harder, something flickering in her warm brown eyes. "I- I can't," she choked out. "He... He won't let me," she quietly cried.

"He? Who are you talking about?" Laila asked, frowning in confusion.

"The one who made me this way," Sam sobbed, pulling away from her mate. "He told me he'll give me the strength to kill the one who murdered you, but then... Then I was no longer myself. I had no control over my own mind. It's like he's living in my brain, taking away all of my free will. I'm his puppet, and he's making me kill all of them, just to... Just to make him come here," her words came out in quick, desperate breaths.

"Sam, I don't understand," Laila pleaded, trying to come closer to her.

That was when it happened. The spiral appeared back in Sam's eyes, all rationality leaving her body, turning back into the animal they saw when they arrived there.

Sam turned towards Reia and the others, dashing in their direction with murderous intent. The three of them stumbled backwards, taken by surprise.

"Sam!" Laila screamed, but it was too late. Her body became transparent again, her voice lingering in the cold night air, no longer being heard by her mate.

However, Sam did stop. It looked like it took all her strength to fight back whoever was controlling her mind right then, but she managed to do it. She lifted her claws up, a pained, stubborn expression on her face. "No more," she yelled, a promise to her dead lover. "I won't kill anymore!" then, with a quick motion, she slit her own throat, her lifeless body falling to the ground, finally free.

To be continued...

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