I opened the door, and my whole body got weak when I saw a ginger haired woman on the floor at the other side of the room.
"Fuck." I said underneath my breath when I rushed to her. It was Freya, her eyes were closed and her face was covered by blood and bruises. Joonas followed me in shock. I touched her face carefully as I kneeled down next to her. She was barely breathing.
"Don't you let her die, Joel." Joonas sobbed in shock. He went other side to her and kneeled down while his body was shaking.
"I won't." I hold my tears as I shaked Freya a little bit.

"Freya! Wake up!" I raised my voice. I patted her cheeks gently so that she would open her eyes. She was alive, but at the same time she wasn't here.
Joonas took his phone from his pocket, he tried to call to the emergency number, but there wasn't connection. Of course there wasn't. It made Joonas frustrated. He put the flashlight on from his phone and pointed it towards Freya's face. Now we could see her bruises better, and it made me cry. But I was still trying to stay strong and not show those tears. There is no time for that, I need to save her first.

"Wake up, darling.. wake up." I mumbled through my sobbing
All of sudden she inhaled heavily, she opened her eyes and that flashlight made her squint her eyes. Then she looked at me while I was smiling and chuckling relieved, not believing that she really has waken up. I was stroking her head when she turned her eyes on Joonas. I was speechless. Now I let all the tears out, and my hands were shaky.
"Joonas..." Her voice was raspy and weak, it made me a little confused. She looked so shocked, but yet calm. Joonas moved his phone away, I looked at him and Freya in turns.
"Yes?" Joonas asked confused.

"She loves you." Freya said with tears in her eyes. I frowned in confusion, so did Joonas. At first he freezed, but then his gaze moved to me.
"What are you talking about?" Joonas questioned, now his voice was shaking.
I looked down at Freya, she smiled slightly.
"Saga told me." She almost whispered. Now Joonas was completely in shock. I didn't know what to say either. Did she see her? Or what is going on?

We didn't get to say or do anything when we heard the front door opening and closing. Joonas and I locked our eyes to each other. My heart started racing faster and faster, but I still kept stroking Freya's head.
Then the man was standing on the doorway, we turned our heads to that direction. Now I knew who he was.
Fucking Tuomas. How the hell that crazy man has escaped from prison? He was smirking a little when he looked at all the three of us. What that man has to do with anything?
"How sweet. Sweet indeed." He chuckled silently.

"What the fuck are you doing here?" I asked with lower tone. He put his hands on his pants pockets. I remember that stupid way how he stands, he just looks too arrogant and crazy.
"My job, Joel. I could ask you two the same. You don't know who you're dealing with." His smirk disappeared as he talked with his flat tone.
"Oh, I do know. You're a sadist and rapist." I answered just as coldly. His face didn't change.

"If you both leave now, I will let you live in peace. But if you ever say a word to anyone, I'll make sure that my men will kill you both." Tuomas took one step closer as he told that stupid suggestion. I shook my head.
"You think we would leave Freya here?" I questioned frowning. It was so weird how his face stayed the same, he barely blinked.
"Yes. In the end, everyone makes sure that their own skin is saved." He replied immediately. I bit my teeth together.

"What did you do to Gilbert?" Freya asked silently. I looked at her a little confused. Was Gilbert here? And why she worries about him? Maybe he was the one they were carrying to the van...
"Don't you worry about him, sweetheart." Tuomas' tone was more soft to her. It made me sick.
So I stood up quickly, Joonas stayed next to Freya. Tuomas didn't even flinch to my reaction, like he was waiting for it. I went closer to him, I didn't break our eye contact.
"Yes? Police?" Joonas suddenly said to his phone. Finally the connection was working. I started smirking lightly as I kept staring at Tuomas, his face started looking more concerned than before. Slowly he took his hands out of his pockets.
Then he was about to run away from the room, but I was fast enough to get grip from his arm, so he stopped.
"Where are you going, coward? Scared of the people dressed in blue?" It was my time to annoy. And I fucking enjoyed it. I enjoyed seeing him helpless, he knew he was screwed.
While Joonas was talking to the phone, I watched Tuomas. He didn't look at me.

"At least give me the chance to jump off the balcony." Tuomas mumbled desperately, still not looking at me in the eyes.
"You're not so scary kidnapper after all, huh? What would your men think if they would hear that you were a coward and didn't have the balls to face the judgment?" I questioned. Then he moved his eyes to me, and I think I hit the weak spot.

"Police and ambulance are coming. You have no way to go Tuomas." Joonas said, I smiled relieved.

"I need to know where Gilbert is. Is he alive?" Freya asked, her voice was shaking. Gilbert glanced at her, then he looked at me again. I frowned at him, now I wanted to know the answer too.
"Barely..." He mumbled quietly. I started getting annoyed by his hinting. I took grip from his shirt's collar, and he pressed his lips together tightly.
"Barely what?" The question came out of my mouth at the same time when the police were behind the front door beating it. Joonas rushed to the door. I let go of Tuomas, but he didn't answer to me.
He was smirking as one of the police arrested him, I backed up to Freya.

I kneeled down and wiped those tears away from her face. She looked at me with her tired and sad eyes.
"I'm glad that you're alive." I silently told her, she smiled a little bit.
"And I'm glad that you were the first thing I saw when I woke up." She whispered. I kissed her forehead.

Police caught Tuomas, finally. Gilbert is still missing.
I have been feeling a little down lately, and writing has felt hard, since I'm feeling tired. But I'm proud that I wrote this chapter ready for you guys.
Thank you so much for reading this story, every vote and comment means a lot to me <3
Stay safe and strong🖤

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