Bonus chapter: Y/N's life at Beauxbatons

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A/N: This chapter takes places after the first chapter 'Please stop' and is about Y/N building up a life at Beauxbatons. 

It's been a couple months since I walked out of Mattheo's life. I miss him terribly and everyday I wish I could just go back to him or see him at least one more time. But, I can't. I know I can't, but I want to so bad. Next week I'm supposed to start school and because I live near London, I'm supposed to go to Hogwarts. However, I'm too scared I will run into Mattheo there, so I asked my parents if I could maybe go to a different school. I told them that I was curious to see how they were teaching magic and wizardry in France, so they would hopefully let me go to Beauxbatons. Somehow they believed me and they enrolled me there instead of at Hogwarts. We're leaving for France tomorrow morning and then I'll be staying there a couple days before school starts. My parents had asked the headmistress Madame Maxime if I could arrive a couple days early, because they needed to be back home in time for my sister Pansy to go to Hogwarts. Madame Maxime had said that that was alright and that there would be a couple other students arriving early as well, so I could meet them, before the schoolyear started. I'm quite nervous to start at Beauxbatons, because I don't know anyone there, but I'm sure it'll be alright. I just have to finish packing my bag and get ready tomorrowmorning and then I'm on my way.

Next day

Today is the day I'm leaving for Beauxbatons. I just grabbed my bag and went down the stairs to say goodbye to Pansy. She's staying here with some friends of my parents, while they take me to Beauxbatons. We're going by floo powder, since it would otherwise be a long broom flight. We entered our own fireplace and arrived right outside Beauxbatons. I looked at my parents nervously, but was soon reassured that everything would be alright by my mother. She could see I was nervous to say goodbye to them and start my own life at Beauxbatons, but I was the one who asked for this, so with her reassurance I knew, that I could do this on my own. I looked over at the enormous entrance of Beauxbatons and with my parents following, we entered. 

Once we walked through the doors of Beauxbatons, we were immediately greeted by Madame Maxime. 'Welcome, Y/N Parkinson. My name is Madame Maxime and I am the Headmistress of Beauxbatons. Did you have safe travels coming here?' 'Nice to meet you Madame Maxime. Yes we did.' I responded as properly as I could. 'Well, good to hear. I wanted to let you know, that we have already made sure all your stuff is in your assigned room, including the books and other materials you will need for your classes. Next to that, I will bring you to meet one of our students, who has been at this school for the past two years. She will show you around the grounds and be there to answer any of your questions.' 'Okay, sounds good. Thank you.' I said a quick goodbye to my parents and followed Madame Maxime who had already started walking away. We ended up at two enormous doors that led into this huge dining hall, where there was a group of girls sitting at one of the tables. 'Miss Fleur?' Madame Maxime called out. 'Yes, Madame.' One of the girls answered. She was a beautiful girl with long blonde hair and a soft smile on her face. 'I would like you to meet miss Y/N Parkinson. She will be joining us this year and I would like you to show her around and help her get acquainted.' 'Ofcourse, Madame.' The girl turned towards me and stretched out her hand. 'Nice to meet you, Y/N. My name is Fleur.' I shook her hand. 'Nice to meet you too, Fleur.' I responded. 'Now, I'm going to leave you girls to it, since I have some other business to attend. If you have any questions, Y/N, don't worry about asking them. My office is at the end of the hallway that we just came through. Goodbye ladies.' And with that Madame Maxime left us alone. 

'Shall we begin on the tour then, Y/N?' Fleur asked me. 'Uhhh... yes that sounds wonderful.' We started walking out of the dining hall. 'You don't have to talk proper with me, you know. You can just be yourself. I know that it is scary joining a new school, especially when you're not from around here.' 'Huh? How did you know that I'm not from here?' Fleur gave me a small smile. 'You're accent sweety.' 'That makes sense.' I gave a small chuckle. 'If I may ask, did your parents sent you here or did you guys move to France?' 'I asked my parents if I could go here instead of Hogwarts. So, they still live over there, since my sister is going to Hogwarts this year and they work there.' 'Why did you want to go here instead of Hogwarts?' 'I...' I was doubting if I should tell her the truth or not. Fleur gave me a safe feeling the moment I shook her hand, but I didn't know her well enough to tell her about Mattheo just yet. So, maybe I should just keep that to myself. 'You don't have to tell me, if you don't want to.' Fleur said after I didn't respond to her question. 'Just know, you can tell me whenever you feel like it. And if you never want to tell me, that's okay too.' She added. 'Thank you, Fleur.' 'Ofcourse. Now let's start this tour, otherwise we won't be done before dinner.' She laughed. 

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