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A/N: To get to this chapter there's a big timeskip. It's now about six years later. Mattheo went to Hogwarts in the fifth year and Y/N is joining him and the others in their sixth year. She went to Beauxbatons for the first five years, but her parents wanted her to be closer to home and made her change schools to Hogwarts, where Y/N now goes to together with her sister Pansy. 

'Good morning Y/N!!!! Are you looking forward to your first day at Hogwarts?' Pansy said the moment I opened my eyes. 'Why are you so goddamn energetic? It's 7 a.m. for crying out loud.' 'I forgot you were not a morning person. But, are you excited? Because I am! I'm happy we're finally going to the same school!!!' 'Yes, I'm excited. Okay? Can I now go back to sleep, please?' 'No, because you have to pack your stuff and get ready to leave!' 'Why Pansy?! The train leaves at 11 a.m. That's in four hours. I have enough time to sleep for another hour.' 'No, you don't. We still have to go to Diagon Alley to get our books and I promised my friends that we would meet up before going on the train, because they wanted to meet you.' 'I forgot, you have to buy your books for Hogwarts. Why can't they just deliver them to your rooms, like they do at Beauxbatons?' 'Because we're not as prestigious as that school. Now, get your butt up Y/N and get ready.' 'Fine, I'm going.' 

I got out of bed and jumped into the shower. Finally ten minutes of quietness.  When I got out of the shower, I did my hair, got dressed and started packing my bag. I didn't need to pack much, because I didn't have my school robes and clothes yet, but I did pack some of my own clothes for my days off at school. Next to that I grabbed a couple of books and ofcourse my wand. I was just about done, when Pansy walked back into my room to tell me that we were leaving. I grabbed my trunk and of we went. 

We went to Diagon Alley, where we first went to Flourish and Blotts. This was this old bookstore on the Northside of Diagon Alley. It had these high shelves with as many books as anyone could dream of. I wanted to stay here for hours and just read all the books, but then I remembered I was here with Pansy and she was already hurrying me to just grab the schoolbooks that we needed and to get going again. 'Relax, Pansy. We still have two hours before the train leaves. Why are you in such a hurry?' I said to Pansy when I got annoyed by how much she was hurrying me. 'We are supposed to meet up with my friends in ten minutes and they are on the other side of Diagon Alley. So, we have to hurry!' 'We'll make it, Pansy. And otherwise we'll be like two minutes late. I suppose your friends won't get mad about that, or will they?' 'No, they won't, but I just missed them, so I don't want to keep them waiting.' 'Fine. Just let me pay for my books and we'll be on our way.' 'Thank you, Y/N.' I quickly went to pay for my books and followed Pansy almost running through Diagon Alley. 

We arrived at some sort of Joke shop named Weasley's Wizard Wheezes. Apparently it was very popular, because there were a lot of people there eventhough I couldn't really see the fun in it. But, Pansy and her friends did, because this is where they agreed to meet up. I was just looking around, when I heard Pansy squeal and run up to some blonde haired guy and his friends. 'Draco!! Blaise!! Theo!! I've missed you guys! Hey, where is Mattheo?' 'He's meeting us at Hogwarts. He had something to deal with, with his father.' The blonde haired guy said. He looked a bit strange and it felt like I knew him from somewhere, but I couldn't figure out from where. 

'Who is this pretty lady?' One of the other guys asked. 'This is my sister Y/N, Blaise. And she doesn't like to be called pretty. I know, I've tried.' Pansy said. 'She's correct, so use my name next time, because you don't want to find out, what happens if you don't.' I responded. 'Fiesty, I like her.' The last guy said. 'That's Y/N for you, Theo.' Pansy said. So, this is Theo, he is Blaise, then the last guy's name is Draco. Doesn't ring a bell, but I still feel like I know him from somewhere. 'So, Y/N why have we never seen you before?' Blaise asked. 'Why do you want to know?' I responded. 'She went to Beauxbatons the first five years, so she lived over there. But, my parents wanted her back home, so now she's finally here and you can finally meet her.' Pansy said overexcited when I didn't give a real answer to Blaise. 'Why did you go to Beauxbatons and not Hogwarts?' Theo asked. 'I had my reasons.' I responded. 'Mysterious.' Theo said back. 'You know what, I actually don't know the answer to that either, Y/N. Why did you go to Beauxbatons?' Pansy asked me. 'I wanted to get away from here. I...I just needed to get as far away.' 'But, why?' 'It doesn't matter Pansy.' 'Was it because of me or mom and dad?' 'No, it definitely wasn't. I just needed to leave, okay?!' I got a bit irritated. I never told Pansy about what happened at Mattheo's house and I couldn't tell her now, in front of everyone. Pansy didn't even know I was friends with Mattheo Riddle. She knew I was best friends with a Mattheo, but she never met him and I never told her that he was Voldemorts son. 
Luckily Pansy let my reasons go, after she noticed I didn't want to talk about it. She ended up just catching up with her friends, while we started going towards Kings Cross Station to be on time for the Hogwarts Express. 

When we got on the train, we sat down in our own compartment and Theo started talking to me. 'You know, I still don't know a lot about you.' 'I know. So sad.' I said with a smirk on my face. 'Why don't you want us to know who you really are?' 'The last time someone knew everything about me, I was made to regret that. So, don't try to get to know me, because I don't want to be put back in the position I was in when I was younger.' 'What happened?' 'Like I just said, don't try to get to know me, Theo. It's not worth it.' 'If you say so. Just know that I'll find a way to know more about you.' 'Good luck trying.'
'Hey Pansy?' Theo said. Please don't tell me, he's going to ask Pansy about me. She doesn't know everything about me, but she knows enough. 'Yes, Theo?' Pansy responded. 'What is Y/N like? She doesn't want to tell me, so maybe you can tell me.' 'When you get to know her, she's a really nice person. She will do everything to protect the people she loves, but she's also scared to get hurt, so she doesn't open herself up to anyone she doesn't fully trust. And that's all I can tell you. The rest you need to find out for yourself.' 'Fine.' Theo said. I hate that Pansy said all of that, but it was also quite sweet. I didn't know she actually knew part of how I feel deep inside. She knows me better, than I thought. And luckily she didn't say more than that. People don't need to know more.

After a little while, we arrived at Hogwarts and we walked into the Great Hall. Pansy, Theo, Blaise and Draco sat down at the Slytherin table, while I still needed to be sorted. I didn't really know a lot about the houses, so I just let the whole sorting ceromony happen. A professor put the Sorting Hat on my head and it started thinking. 'SLYTHERIN!' The hat called out. That's fine, I guess. From what I've heard from Pansy, this house would be the most interesting one. The others just sound boring. And I get to be in the same house as Pansy, so I guess that's also nice. I kinda missed being with my sister when I was at Beauxbatons all those years, so to be here with her, feels a bit like coming home. 

I walked over to the Slytherin table where Pansy was already holding a seat open for me. I sat down next to her and Draco and opposite Blaise and Theo.
The sorting ceremony just finished, so now we got to finally eat something. I hadn't eaten much today, so I was quite hungry. I just started eating, when someone else walked towards the table. Pansy jumped up and said: 'Mattheo!! You're finally here! Where were you?' 'Hey Pansy. I just had to deal with something. But, I'm here. Who's this?' I looked up to see that he was talking about me. 'Mattheo, this is Y/N. My sister.' Pansy answered. 'Nice to meet you, Y/N.' Mattheo said. Mattheo? This can't be THE Mattheo can it. This can't be the one person I've been trying to avoid for all these years. The one person I left the country for. 'What's your last name Mattheo?' I asked him out of the blue. 'Ummm... it's Riddle. Why are you asking?' He answered. 'I'm sorry. I have to go.' And with that I left. I still hadn't eaten anything, but I had to leave. I couldn't stay here. I couldn't be there with him. It hurt too much. 

I walked out of the Great Hall and into the hallways. I tried to find my way out of the castle, but I couldn't get far. This school was a maze and I was trapped inside. Just before I decided to give up and just sit on a bench somewhere in a corridor, I bumped into Pansy. 'What was that about Y/N? Why did you walk out of there?' 'It's nothing Pansy!' 'It sure as hell isn't nothing Y/N. You looked like you saw a ghost after you heard Mattheo's name and you ran like you saw one too. So, what's wrong?' 'It's NOTHING Pansy! Just leave it!!' 'Fine!' 'Now, can you please help me find my way out of here, because this is just one big maze?' Pansy started snickering. 'Don't laugh at me, Pansy.' I said, while also starting to snicker a bit. 'I'm not laughing, but you got to admit. It's kinda funny, that you're mad, but you cannot leave, because you can't figure your way out.' 'Maybe, it's a bit funny. But, can we now please go to our room, because I'm tired of this day.' 'Yes, let's go.' 

Someone I used to knowOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora