You're okay

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Today is my second day in France staying with Fleur and Bill. I just woke up and walked into the kitchen to be greeted by Bill. 'Good morning Y/N. How are you?' I hadn't seen Bill yet since I was back, so it was nice to see him again. 'Good morning Bill, I'm okay. How have you been? Long time no see.' 'I've been great to be honest. And yes, indeed. Long time no see, I just wish it would've been under better circumstances.' 'So, Fleur told you what happened?' It didn't surprise me that she told him. I would've told my husband what happened to the girl that showed up wounded at my door as well. 'Yes... are you really okay, Y/N?' He asked. 'I will be.' I'm not sure when that will be, but I'll be okay at some point again. 'How are you wounds?' Fleur must have also told him that I was still bleeding a bit when I arrived. 'They're slowly healing.' 'Good. Just keep a close eye on them okay? You don't want them to get inflamed.' 'I will.' I was about to grab some toast when Bill walked over to the table to grab something. 'Oh and Y/N. This was delivered this morning.' He gave a me a letter from Pansy. 'Thank you, Bill.' 'Ofcourse.' I grabbed some toast and the letter and walked into the backyard. I sat down on the porch swing and opened the letter.


Thank goodness you're okay. We really thought you were...

I'm just happy you're okay. 

I'm so sorry for nothing keeping you safe. I should've done more to stop them. They should've never been able to take you. And I'm sorry for that. 

I stopped reading for a second. I got tears in my eyes thinking about how Pansy was blaming herself for what happened. She didn't do anything wrong. It's not her fault. It's mine. I never should've gone to Hogwarts. I should've stayed at Beauxbatons and then everyone would've been happy.

I started reading the rest of the letter, once I wiped the tears out of my eyes.

You asked me to keep an eye on Mattheo and ofcourse I'll do that. He just hasn't talked to me since I told him about your letter. I told him you were safe, but I didn't tell him where you were and he's angry about that. He wants to get you back, he wants you here with him. I told him to try to let you go, but he doesn't want that. And I get that, I want you back here as well. But, I think you should stay there at least a little bit longer. You're finally safe and I just don't want you to keep getting hurt and that happens when you're here. I just want you to stay safe.

I love you, sis.



PS: Could you say hi to Fleur and Bill for me? 

Just like Mattheo and Pansy, I would love to go back. But, also like Pansy said, it might be better to stay here for a little while. I'm finally safe, at least I think I am. I folded up the letter I got from Pansy and walked back inside. Bill was still in the kitchen and Fleur had joined him now. 'Good morning Y/N.' 'Good morning Fleur.' 'How was the letter?' Bill asked me. 'It was good. It was from Pansy, so she got my first letter. She was happy that I'm safe  here and she asked me to say hi to you guys.' 'Well hi back.' Fleur said with a smile on her face. 'Do you have any plans for the day?' Bill asked me. 'No, I don't really. I thought I might go for a walk or something, but nothing other than that.' 'I'm going to get some groceries and I'm going to lunch with Gabrielle. You can join me if you want to?' Gabrielle is Fleur's younger sister, someone who I've only met a handful of times, but who I love dearly. She is such a sweet, young girl, so I would love the see her again. 'Yes, I would love that, Fleur. I could use some distraction.' 'Okay, we're leaving in about 20 minutes. Is that okay?' 'Yes, that's completely okay. I'll go get ready then.' I walked up the stairs into the spare bedroom I was staying in. When I walked into the room, I realised I didn't have anything to wear. I left Mattheo's house to go to France without going past my room at Hogwarts, so I don't have any of my own clothes. I was just about to walk downstairs again, when Fleur knocked on the door and walked in with a small stack of clothes. 'I thought you might want to wear something else than what you came here in.' She said. 'Thank you so much Fleur. I was just about to ask you if you had some spare clothes, since I realised I literally don't have anything with me. I don't even have my wand.' 'Well, I have a small surprise for you then.' 'What do you mean?' Before I could even start to think of anything she could mean, Fleur gave me my wand. 'How... How did you get it?' 'Pansy sent it along with her letter. Bill just forgot to give it to you when he gave you the letter.' 'Thank you so much.'  I gave Fleur a hug. I can't believe Pansy thought about sending my wand with her letter. 'You're welcome, Y/N. Now go get ready.' 'Yes, Ma'am.' I said with a laugh. 

Someone I used to knowOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz