I'm safe (Pansy's POV)

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Ever since Mattheo found everything out and Y/N and him decided to stay away from eachother, neither of them has had a smile on their face. They've been feeling miserable. They don't want to talk about it, but you can see they're broken when they're not together. I almost don't want to say it, but it was better when Mattheo didn't know anything about Y/N. I want them both to feel better, but I don't know how to. I hoped Theo might have some ideas, so I'm on my way to his dormroom to talk to him. I knocked on the door and I heard him say 'come in'. 'Hey Theo.' I said. 'Hey Pansy. How are you doing?' 'I'm fine. Y/N however is not. And Mattheo isn't either.' 'I know. They look miserable. What the hell happened to them?' 'Has Mattheo not told you?' 'The last thing I really heard from him, is that Y/N was his best friend when they were younger and that his father did something to her. But, he didn't tell me what his father did and what else happened. He's just on his own now, not really talking at all, unless he has to.' 'Uhh... so.... Mattheo's father hurt Y/N, a lot, when they were younger. He kept on doing it, until she promised to stay away from Mattheo. She did, for years. Until our parents made her transfer schools and move back home. At Hogwarts she couldn't stay away as far as she did at Beauxbatons. And especially now that Mattheo remembers it's harder for them to stay away from eachother, because they know about eachother and they want to be close again, but they can't.' 'Why not?' 'Because you-know-who is threatening to hurt Y/N if Mattheo and Y/N become friends again. That's why they're so miserable. They want to be close to eachother, but they can't. They both have to stay away from one of the people they care about most, if not the person they care about most.' 'That's fucked up.' 'I know, Theo. And I want to do something to cheer them both up a bit. However, I have no ideas on how to do that. So, I thought maybe you have some ideas.' I really hoped he had some ideas, because I couldn't keep on watching Y/N and Mattheo getting worse every day. 'I'm sorry, Pansy. But, I also have no idea how we can make them feel better about this fucked up situation.' 'No worries. It was worth a shot, right?' 'Yeah. If I do come up with anything, I'll let you know.' 'Thanks, Theo.' 'Yeah ofcourse.'

Well that was a bust. I walked back into my own dormroom and took a shower to still try to come up with some ideas. Maybe I can go out for lunch and some bookshopping with Y/N? Or we could go home for a couple days and just get out of here? I don't know if she even wants to, but I could at least suggest it to her tomorrow. For now, I'm going to go to bed.

During the night I heard some noice near the window. It became louder and louder until it made me sit up straight in my bed. There were multiple people, deatheaters, coming in to the room and going up to Y/N. She sat up in bed and the people put a bag over her head. Y/N tried to fight them of her and to grab her wand, but she couldn't reach it. I grabbed my wand and yelled at the deatheaters to let Y/N go. Two of them were still struggling grabbing Y/N, while the others turned around and faced me. I yelled 'Stupify', but they blocked it and bounced the spell back to me. I bounced back, but stood back up to yell 'Everte Statum.' One of the deatheaters flew back, while the other cursed me with 'Pertrificus Totalis'. My body froze and I fell down. I had to watch how Y/N went limp after they injected her with something and how they took her with them. I couldn't do anything anymore except for watching them take away my sister.

I layed on the ground for hours, not being able to move, before Mattheo knocked on the door and slowly opened it. He saw the mess the deatheaters had left and then saw me laying on the ground. He ran towards me and asked me what the hell happened. He then noticed I couldn't talk or move, so he used the Episkey spell to undo the full body-bind curse. 'What the hell happened, Pansy?! Are you okay?!' 'I'm fine, Mattheo. But... They... they took her.' 'What do you mean?!' 'They took... Y/N.' I said while I started to cry. 'WHO IS THEY?!' 'Deatheaters.' 'How long ago did this happen?' 'Hours ago. I couldn't move or do anything. I tried to stop them... But, it didn't work. I tried... But, I failed. They took her... They took my sister... And it's my fault.' Mattheo took me in his arms while saying: 'Pansy this is not your fault. You did what you could. Y/N is strong, she'll be alright. But, we need to go. We need to get her back now!' 'Do you know where to go, Mattheo?' 'I have a pretty good idea.'

I followed Mattheo to Dumbledores office, where he walked towards the fireplace, where we both used the floo powder to go to Mattheo's house. We got out in the fireplace in the middle of the livingroom. Mattheo stormed out of the livingroom and towards some stairs that lead down to the basement. He opened a door to some dark room that had a chair standing in the middle. The chair was stained with blood and there was blood on the ground. Mattheo walked over to the chair and looked at the blood. 'It's dry.' 'What do you want to say with that Mattheo?' I asked him. 'She hasn't been here in at least a couple hours.' 'Then where is she, Mattheo?!' I asked with tears in my eyes. 'I don't know. But, I know someone who will.' Mattheo once again stormed out of the room. He ran up the stairs towards a closed door. He opened the door and ran towards the person that was there with his wand facing that person. I soon realised that person, was his father. Voldemort had a smirk on his face when he said; 'Hello, son. Nice to see your nose healed.' 'WHERE THE FUCK IS SHE?!' Mattheo yelled at him. 'Who?' 'Where is my sister?!' I asked him. 'Oh, you mean Y/N? Yeah she left.' Voldemort responded. 'WHAT THE FUCK DO YOU MEAN, SHE LEFT?! WHERE IS SHE?!' Mattheo yelled once again. 'I don't know where she went, but I don't think she will come back anymore.' 'WHAT DID YOU DO TO HER?!' Mattheo asked. 'I just showed her the consequences of distracting you. I warned you both.' 'I'm going to kill you!' Mattheo said while moving the wand closer to Voldermorts head. 'Wait! We need more information. I need to know why she left.' I said before Mattheo could do anything. As much as I wanted Voldemort to hurt for what he did to my sister. I had to know, what made her leave and where she went. 'What did you say to her? Why did she leave?' Mattheo asked his father. 'I just told her that the consequences I've given her up till now, apparently don't work. So, I told her that next time there will be a different one. And she left as soon as I gave her the chance. She was quite scared of this consequence, so I don't think she will risk getting it.' Mattheo punched Voldemort in the face and Crucio'ed his ass. Before walking out of the room. I ran after him. 'Where are you going, Mattheo?' 'I'm going back to Hogwarts. There has to be something there that shows us where she went.' 'Are you sure, you're father isn't lying? What if she's still here?' 'She's not, Pansy.' 'How are you so sure?!' 'Something in the way my father said all of that, it's... I don't know. I just know he spoke the truth. She's not here, she left.' We walked back to the livingroom and used the floo powder to get back to Hogwarts.

Mattheo and I walked back to my and Y/N's room to find any clues of where she would've gone, but we couldn't find anything. After a while, Mattheo said he had to get some fresh air and so he left the room. I started to clean up the room, when an owl flew towards the window and gave me a letter. I opened and read it.

Dear Pansy,

I'm sorry I have to do this like this, but I had to let you know that I was safe. I'm with Fleur Delacour and Bill Weasley in their home in France. They are going to let me stay with them until I figure out my next steps. I'm sorry to say this, but I'm not coming back ever again. I can't risk being anywhere near Mattheo.

When I was at Voldemorts house, he told me that next time Mattheo and I are together, he won't hurt me anymore, but he will take it out on Mattheo. And that can't happen. I have to protect him from his father. So, please don't tell Mattheo where I am. Just let him know that I'm safe and that he needs to forget about me. Don't tell him what his father told me. Him knowing that, would just put him into more danger.

Don't worry about me, I'll be fine. Take good care of yourself and keep an eye on Mattheo for me, please.

I love you sis.



Right after I finished reading the letter, I hid it in Y/N's nightstand and I got out of the room to find Mattheo. I saw him sitting on one of the benches in the courtyard just staring into the distance. 'Mattheo?' I said. 'Yes, Pansy?' 'She's safe.' 'What do you mean?!' He looked at me confused and with tears in his eyes. 'She's safe. She wrote me a letter to say that she found a safe place to stay for a little while.' 'Where is she?' 'I can't tell you that.' 'Why not?!' 'She told me, that I can't tell you for your own safety.' 'I'm going to find her either way, so just tell me!' 'I can't. And please don't. She asked me to tell you, to let her go and forget about her.' 'I'm not going to do that, Pansy. I need her!' 'I know you do and she probably needs you too, but it won't work like this. Because of your father, she's been hurt too many times. She has been hurting for the last 6 years. Please let her go.' I want him and Y/N to be together so much, but I wasn't lying when I asked him to please let her go. I need him to let her go. I can't watch how my sister keeps getting hurt, physically and emotionally. She has been put through so much and I hope that she'll get some rest if Mattheo lets her go.

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