Chapter 5- {Plus One}

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"So Jimin...when will we meet this new friend of yours?" Asked Jin. Today is the day of the Royalball, a common yearly activity for Jimin. "I don't know hyung. The last time I met him, he was pretty uneasy to be around me. He kept saying that it was wrong of a peasant to talk to a royal." Jimin sighed, picking up a shirt and began playing with it.

"Well...I don't blame him Chim. You are a bit of a handful." Suggested Taehyung. In response, Jimin widened his eyes and threw the shirt at him but Taehyung dodged it.

"I am not!" Yelled Jimin to differ from Taehyung's suggestion.

His friends laughed at Jimin's child like behavior. One day, he'll see it they figured. "Okay, we believe you, now can you, please just pick out an outfit for the ball? You know how much your parents care about this activity." Namjoon said while coming into the room with his hands filled with more outfits sent by his parents.

"Yea, yea, you're right." Responded Jimin sarcastically. Like, why does his parents want him to do this? What's the point of it? "I bet they just want me to find a mate there, that's all they care about."

"That's not true J-" Yoongi tried to speak but it was no use.

"Save it Yoongi. You don't know how my parents are. They would take any opportunity they get for me to find a mate. Will they listen to what I have to say? Haha, no. I'm just tired guys, I'm perfectly capable of leading the pack by myself, I don't see the need to find a mate." Jimin explained.

"Maybe you are good on your own but you're parents are old fashioned Jimin. Just bring someone to the ball later, that'll make them hush." Suggested Jin while handing Jimin another outfit.

"And who will that be? If I could, I would have brought Taehyung as my date." Both boys were extremely close together but Taehyung is a royal guard, his status is to protect the royal family, not get into a relationship with one.

"That's not a good idea. I saw how the king looked at Tae when he hugged Jimin. He wanted to slice his head off." Jhope joked not knowing he'll get slapped in the face with a pillow.

"I'm sorry! Don't attack me!" He said dramatically but Taehyung wasn't having it. He pounced onto Jhope and began tickling him. Now, there was a little scene in the middle of the room. Namjoon sat in the corner in disbelief, Yoongi passed out on Jimin's bed and Jin in the middle trying to get the boys to stop fighting.

"Oh come on! I leave you all for a minute and y'all fight?" Said Jimin coming out of his changing room. "It's not my fault. Jhope started it and-" before Taehyung or anyone could speak, they were all stunned.

"What?" Asked Jimin since all eyes were on him. He had on his grandfather's outfit, made by the most talented seamstress back in the days. " look stunning! That outfit is a keeper" The attire that was the oldest seemed to be the best. The tunic hugged his body well followed by the fluffy cloak designed to showcase his status.

Each embellishment on that outfit must have cost a lot, especially with the diamonds lining around the base of the cloak followed by rows of sapphires.

Jimin scoffed at his friends, he tries to act tough around them but they know him to well, he's just a marshmallow for compliments. "Ouuu Jimin, your praise kink is showing~" teased Taehyung. "Why you little-" before they fought again, Namjoon stood up, having enough of this.

"Taehyung, Jimin, quit it. We must all leave now, there's a lot to be done for the Royalball and Jimin needs to practice for his speech. Come on, let's go." Every member walked out of the room in a single file line.

Every member except Yoongi who was still asleep. "I'll get him don't worry yourself." Said Jhope. Lifting up the sleeping beauty in his arms before walking out of the room. There, Jimin sat on the floor with a sigh.

His head was aching, his body filled with jitters, what are these feelings? "Should I really invite him?" Jimin questioned himself. Ever since he met Jungkook, he's felt a bit different from that day on.

It's like a question in a multiple choice quiz you don't know the answer to. There are many choices but only 1 of them is the correct answer. He could just attend the ball by himself like every year but he doesn't want his parents forcing him to talk to other wolves.

Jungkook, he seems like the best choice Jimin has at this point. "Anything to get mom and dad out of my hair..." After his little prep talk by himself, Jimin got up and went in search for Jungkook.

The last time they spoke, Jungkook said he likes to hang around the river since his father is a little abusive at home and his brother isn't home these days. Jimin had only been there once or maybe twice in his life. His father likes to keep him indoors if he's not out training. Why do you ask? Well...let's just say that Jimin's dad isn't much of a person that let's his only son go around at night.

He's the prince after all and his father would kill anyone if something happens to his son. Walking down the hall, Jimin held himself against the wall once he spotted his mom.

"Shoot!" He thought. This might be harder than it looks. She's blocking the main way out of the castle but Jimin knew another way. He walked into an old storage closet, not to far away and stood by the stone wall. "Now where is it." Mumbled Jimin.

Back when he was 10, he discovered a hidden passageway while playing hide and seek with his mom. He felt the cold, rough stones on the wall and thought "Hey...they kind of seem to be in a pattern."

One rock was turned to the left and the other to the right. This repeated until one specific rock wich seemed to be in the wrong direction. Jimin fixed it by carefully turing it 90⁰ clockwise and it seemed to do the trick. Moments later, a large hole appeared and inside, touches lit-up the way.

"Found it." He climbed in the hole and walked through. It was more congested in there than Jimin remembered. He hasn't been in here for ages. The air he inhaled was thick, thick and unclean.

He began to cough until he spotted a brighter light at the end of the tunnel. Taking deep breaths, he pushed the gate at the end and fell into a bush. That passage was made incase of war for the royals to escape back when they inherited the land and the peace wws made.

Jimin dusted off his clothes and began walking. " seems that I have made it to the river side already. What a good find." It didn't take Jimin long to find Jungkook whom was laying in the sun.

He was asleep and a little butterfly landed on his nose, making him sneeze. "Cute..." Jimin said then walked down to where Jungkook was laying and sat by him. Though he was sleepy, the boy didn't flinch when he heard footsteps. It's like he knew it was Jimin. "Come here often your highness?" Jungkook asked while shifting into his human form.

He didn't look at Jimin as yet but found it odd that he hasn't said a word. "Well...I...I was wondering." The words was a blur in Jimin's mind.

He has so many things to say but nothing wants to come out. "Come on Jimin...tell him already!" A little voice in his head said. A lump has formed in his throat and his palms began getting sweaty. Is this what pressure feels like? Damn, what an interesting force.

"I would like you to come to the royalball as my special guest." He spoke bluntly. Finally, Jungkook had the guts to look at him and once he did, he swore he saw God. Jimin was dressed elegantly in beautiful attire.

So gorgeous he thought. "I..." No one had ever asked such a thing from Jungkook, it made him feel special for once. His father said he was a good for nothing, he was the worst son to ever get. Now, he felt special since Jimin is asking him such a big question. "Well...what's it going to be? Will you be my plus one?" What do you think Jungkook would choose?

Will he accept Jimin's offer to attend the ball or will he deny and go home? To ashame to show his face to Jimin ever again and banish himself from the pack. What do you think he will do?

{𝐔𝐧𝐤𝐧𝐨𝐰𝐧 𝐋𝐮𝐧𝐚} Jikook Where stories live. Discover now