"Tongue out." He ordered and I couldn't even resist his words.

I flinched when he suddenly sucked my tongue out and I could feel my drool dripping from my mouth to my neck. I could feel him everywhere in my body and with all the stimulation, I came in his hands once again.

I felt my body weak with the last orgasm and Phayu laid me back on the bed. My visions going blurry and my back aches like hell. The sound of Phayu opening another pack of condom made my eyes flap open, looking at him in disbelief.

"Ph-Phayu, time-out." I said but I heard a chuckle instead.

I felt my body bounce against the mattress when Phayu pulled me towards him before pinning me on the bed.

"We're just getting started."

The moment I heard those words, I realized that it's no use to resist. I can't stop him now.


I opened my eyes and saw a familiar room, it's the room where I was in before. I tried to get up but I failed, my body aches so much.

"Oh, you're awake Sir Rain." A familiar voice greeted as I turned to my right and saw a guy fixing what looked to be an IV bag with a tube leading to my hand.

I then raised my hand and saw the other end on it. Looking at Sig walk away, I noticed how he limped.

"Wh-what happened to you?" I asked, worried Phayu might've done something to them.

"A-ah, nothing sir. Nothing serious hehe." He laughed, not very convincing.

My eyes then turned to the door when it opened with the heaving and sweaty Por coming in.

"Hey, it's your turn to—oh! You're awake! Waah!!! I thought you'd never wake up waaahhh!" Por suddenly said as he ran to my bedside and kneeled.

"I-I really thought we were gonna run around 'til tomorrow. You saved us—ow!" Por complained when Sig suddenly slapped the back of his head.

"Your mouth! You'll get us in more trouble you idiot!" Sig scolded making Por look down.

"Sig, please tell me what happened? Did Phayu do something to you?" I asked in concern as the two looked at each other before looking away.

"Y-you surely had it worst compared to our punishment and..." Sig started before pausing.

"Sig." I called out in a hoarse voice making him shake his head.

"Master made us run around the mansion when he found out we led you to his room." Sig explained making my brows furrow.

"He said we shouldn't stop until you wake up." Por then added.

"How long have I been sleeping?" I asked.

"Three days." Sig answered making me let out a sigh of disbelief.

I can't believe this. The last thing I remember is when my lower body began feeling numb and then losing consciousness. Did Phayu really fuck me hard that I'm this sick? That bastard.

"Where is he?" I asked as I tried to get up.

"He went out, sir. He'll probably back in the evening. He stays here every night to watch you—ow! What again!?" Por hissed when Sig pinched his arm.

"You can't tell him that." Sig whispered but I still heard it making me chuckle.

"What's the big deal? Master didn't tell us not to tell him." Por whispered back with a slap on Sig's arm.

"You're ruining his cold and cool image, dumbass." Sig said before slapping him back.

I can't believe these two. Just a few moments, they're serious and now they're bickering. I then got up and leaned my back on the headboard.

STANDARD 100: THE MAFIA HEIR |BossNoeul|Where stories live. Discover now