𝗔𝗰𝗰𝗶𝗱𝗲𝗻𝘁𝘀 (𝗪𝗮𝗹𝗸 𝗼𝗻 𝗪𝗮𝘁𝗲𝗿)

Start from the beginning

Izzie thought for a moment before she spoke up. "A lot of arm swelling. But good distal pulses. So... we can rule out compartment syndrome. I suspect a radius fracture. So I would splint and get an ortho follow up," she said.

Bailey looked to her. "Anything else?"


"Okay. Then I guess this means..."

"Time!" Callie called, making Bella jump a mile. "Sorry little Shep."

"And I'm dead," Sydney Heron said as she got off of the gurney.


"You sent her home. The bone punctured through her skin," Bailey said as she wrote something down on a clipboard.

Izzie was trying to argue. "Yeah. But she had multiple wounds an-and abrasions!" She said.

"Dr Shepherd?"

Bella smiled as she looked to Bailey. "A puncture over a break is always to be considered an open fracture. Until we can prove otherwise," she said with a smirk to Izzie.

"So I got septic and died at home thanks to you," Sydney said as she looked to Izzie. She turned to Bella. "Great job."

"Yay me."


"Not whatever to this guy," Sydney said.

Bailey turned to look at her interns. Bella looked bored, Grace looked as though she would rather be anywhere other than here.

"You have to be quick and thorough while using your instincts! You can't be fooled by what your eyes see. If you assess wrong, your patient could die while waiting for treatment. Karev, you're next," Bailey said.

Izzie turned to Alex. "Just think, I've already killed her. You can't do more damage than that," she whispered.

Alex scoffed as he stepped up to the gurney. Sydney laid back down. Getting ready for the next round of the triage.

Bailey looked to the intents and glared. "People! Triage is one of the most important tools a doctor has. In a real emergent scenario, you'll only have minutes-."

Bailey was interrupted by the sound of the Polaroid going off. Everyone turned to see George who had somehow gotten hold of a camera. He was taking pictures of Callie.

"O'Malley. Take that back to the clinic where it belongs," Bailey snapped, having enough of how the interns weren't taking this serious.

Webber walked over causing Bailey to look at him. "Do you need something sir?" She asked.

"We just received word of a mass casualty incident nearby. All level 1 trauma centres have been asked to respond. And I need to send a team into the field immediately," Webber said.

The interns all perked up. Cristina was the one to ask. "Is this part of the exercise? Are we supposed to act appropriately... erm tense?" She asked.

Webber shook his head. "This is not an exercise or a drill Yang. This is an emergent situation. And I need all hands on deck," he told them.

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