Though there was a lot of goo on the ground. I bent over and picked some up with my finger. I felt the goo for a minute, then my eyes widened. "Uh oh..." I said softly, remembering charas plan.

I quickly ran back towards the door, grabbing my bang gun and leaving again. I quickly went looking for my van, but it wasn't there. 'Danm it!' I thought upset, quickly running to the energy plant. 'If their gonna take over gotham it's gonna be there' I thought determined to get there and stop them.

POV by batman:

We got to the energy plant but before we went inside we stood on the roof. Me and Robin looked through the hole in the roof to see the situation. There were a bunch more zombies inside, some of them were super villains.

They all walked around, guarding the place. We couldn't see Chara from this spot though. "What's the plan, Padre?" Robin asked me, I put a hand over my face and watched below. "Hmmmmm" I hummed in thought then I felt a hand on my shoulder.

I jumped and turned to see batgirl and 60s batman next to me. "Hey, batman" "you thought you were gonna do this without us?" Batgirl asked smiling at me. I smiled back, 60s batman smiled as well.

"Okay, this is a lot like our fight with The phantom zone, so we should be sneaky about this" I said, looking down at the zombies. "Yes! Sneaky, I can be sneaky" Robin exclaimed excitedly. I smiled at him but shook my head, "Yes, we're all gonna have to take each zombie out" "then we all can face off against Chara" I said determinedly.

Batgirl nodded, so did 60s batman and Robin. "That's a great plan, master b" 60s batman said and I smiled proudly. "Let's go then!" Batgirl said, quickly grappling down below. Me, Robin and 60s batman did the same.

We sneaked around the energy plant, carefully taking out zombies one by one. I spotted Chara, they were sitting on the ground looking at absolutely nothing. When we were done taking out their goons we quickly ran up to Chara. I jumped them from behind but they grabbed my foot and threw me into a wall.

"Ugh-" I said groaning, as the weird goo let go of me. They stood up and turned to me, laughing hysterically. "Wow! What a tumble..." "you should probably know that I can see through all of my zombies eyes" "so, I kinda knew you guys were here" they said smirking smugly at me.

I glared at them, growling lowly. Batgirl, Robin and 60s batman were all grabbed by zombies. They all struggled against them, my eyes widened in horror. I quickly got up from the ground and went to help them, but I was grabbed by a slimy hand instead.

Chara brought me up to their face, they glared at me. "YOU were the one who put me in Arkham asylum! We-I couldn't get out! I was trapped.." they exclaimed, very upset. I rolled my eyes, "so is everyone I put in there" I told them, glaring back at them.

"EXACTLY! You put all the FREAKS away because your ashamed of looking at them... you and everyone else in this city, in this whole world! When you see someone different than you, you get scared.." they practically yelled in my face. My eyes widened a little, then softened.

"That's not why-" I started to say but was cut off, "but don't worry! Now all the FREAKS are out to stay! Every MONSTER, every CLOWN and every MUTANT! This city will be our playground, and as for you and your vigilante friends..." they exclaimed, glaring at me then turning towards the others.

"You all will be going on a trip to bludhaven" "I heard it's very nice there..." "or well, no it's not but then again that's just for people like ME" they said quickly throwing me on the ground. "Ugh.." I groaned again, as a zombie picks me up.

Me and my friends are all dragged to a helicopter. We are all thrown into the back and the door is closed. "NO! LET US OUT!" I yelled as I banged on the door. We were all tied up as well, luckily our mouths weren't taped shut.

"Batsman, the city!" "We have to get out of here, gotham isn't safe" batgirl exclaimed, trying desperately to get out of her restraints. Robin and 60s batman tried as well but failed. "Padre, what do we do?" Robin asked me nervously, I frantically look around the helicopter.

'There has to be some way out!' I thought looking around nervously. Robin noticed and he lowered his head in defeat. 60s Batman looked at me with sympathy. "Master b..?" He questioned but I ignored it, 'we have to find a way out!' I thought determinedly.

Chara then walked over, they had a very happy smile on their face. "Guess who's here now? Joker! He said he wanted to say goodbye to you guys or something? I don't know" they said happily, letting joker pass them.

Joker stood behind them nervously, he saw us and his eyes widened. I looked at him in relief, "Joker! Please let us out!" I yelled, banging on the door. Joker looked at Chara, who was smiling happily at him. Joker then walked up closer to us.

He had a frown on his face, he looked really sad. "Look, I can't free you while that thing is watching" Joker said, glaring over at them, they luckily didn't notice. "I'm sorry, you have to get out your own way" he said sadly, I could tell he was holding back from crying.

"What? No! I'm not leaving you here with that!" I yelled angrily, looking over at Chara. Joker put his hand on the glass, "I'll be fine, they won't hurt me" "even if there not chara anymore.." "I'll be fine but if you guys stay here you won't" he told me, now he was crying.

I tried to hold back my own tears, "please...we can beat them! We've beaten all of the phantom zone we can handle it" "just let us out..." I said desperately, looking at him with pleading eyes.

He sighed sadly and shook his head, "I'm was fun while it lasted right?" He asked smiling sadly, I felt my heart break. Tears streamed down my eyes as they looked at him in disbelief. "NO! WAIT!-" I yelled desperately banging on the door, Joker turned around and started to walk away.

Chara smiled brightly at him then turned to us and waved a goodbye. "NO! JOKER PLEASE! COME BACK HERE, WE CAN STILL WIN!" I yelled, continuing to bang on the door even as the helicopter started to fly away. I watched as Joker sadly turned to Chara. He hugged them, crying into their cloak. I felt even more tears, as I closed my eyes and stopped banging.

I softly sobbed, as I leaned on the door. Batgirl, Robin and 60s batman all stunned into silence. Robin moved his tied up body closer to me and tried his best to hug me like that. I didn't turn to him, I just kept my eyes closed. 'Please...let this be a bad dream...I just got him back and now I lost him again..' I thought sadly.

(Hello, yeah I don't know how to describe this chapter. Pretty sad I guess and intense. Also I still have no clue what to name Charas second voice lol, like what would you name them? Anyways, next chapter Batman and the rest of the team will have to live in bludhaven for a bit and Chara rules over gotham with the help of Joker and their zombies. Find out what happened to Harley as well!)

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