Chapter two: Team Free Will

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Black as night it was.

But that was only because it was night and therefore it was black, curtsy of the clouds covering the bright moon, but forgetting to cover some stars whom peeked curiously through the veil at the Earth below. Especially at a small forest in North Dakota, where pain, panic and terror was the only energy in the night.

For below these stars was a man running through such forest, out of breath and terrified. Stumbling blindly through the skeleton hands of the trees. Every noise he heard made his head whip around wildly and with every stumble, his shoulder roared with pain as he felt hot, sticky blood stain his skin. His body screamed at him to stop, to rest, but he pushed forward and continued to run, run, run and keep on running towards his destination.

He had to warn the others.

His ears picked up the sound of feet crunching leaves and twigs, and the steady heartbeats belonging to them. He begged his feet to go faster.

Just a little further...

Pushing branches and leaves out of the way of his face, he looked ahead of them and saw the foliage lessen and soon he was before a large clearing. Inside, on the edge of the other end of the clearing, imprisoned a worn, old, abandoned barn. Vines ensnared its walls, and moss blanketed its roof.

His face twitched into a tiny smile as he full-on sprinted towards it, passing a few trucks pulled up beside the barn. He was safe. They would get through this... like they had for centuries.

He finally slowed down when he met the big, wooden doors and stopped to frantically look over his shoulder to check if he could sense them.

Those damn Hunters.

Once he was sure he couldn't hear a faint flutter of a human heart, he shoved the doors open and slipped inside, slamming them shut again with a bang. His legs ached horribly as they shook with fear under him. Doubling over, he tried to catch his breath as he heard familiar rushing footsteps pace over to him.

"Eric, what's going on?" A well-known voice asked.

Eric looked up at Michael, the Nest's leader —had been for decades—and then at the the others around him, all curious faces gazing at him and his bleeding wounds.

"H-hunters..." Eric panted out through shaky breathes. "They caught me with some Dead Man's Blood, while I was tracking down food... I-I only just managed to get away." He gulped loudly.

The others surrounding Michael shifted nervously from one foot to the other and gave each other wondering looks. Some had wide grins, fists clenching and unclenching, second teeth already showing; others were silently moving into the shadows, not ready to fight. There were so few of them left.

Michael breathed deeply, looking around at the dusty barn they called home, then to the bodies tied to posts; their food. "We have dealt with Hunters before, Eric. We have always gotten by." He spread out his arms to gesture to the others and how much their nest had grown. "This should be no different," he said calmly, though his second set of teeth were eager to show his irritation.

Eric shook his head. He whimpered slightly out of fear. "These aren't ordinary Hunters," his voice barely audible. 

Michael's brow furrowed questionably. "What? Who are they?"

Eric looked Michael right in the eyes. Eric already knew that they were full of sorrow and hopelessness, but he didn't dare break the contact. He swallowed deeply, as everyone seemed to hold their breath to hear. He breathed out a single word; "Win-Winchesters."

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 10, 2016 ⏰

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