Start from the beginning

I didn't like it when Heng was trying to flirt with her . I know he is a playboy but I honestly don't care and give damn when he does that but with her I became concerned . Maybe just protecting her like she's a small sister to me. Yeah that's the reason ,right . She's new and I need to guide her.

I checked her name and I saw her schedule , she's same section as me . However I don't attend class that much as I'm busy with school stuff. Teachers allow me to because I can always catch up by reading books. But today I decided to attend each class. No , not because of her. I just feel like to. Believe me , not because of her.

First subject is finally about to start and she's still not here. Maybe she's lost as she's not familiar yet with the rooms here.

Then I saw her from the window talking with a girl , I believe her name is Irin .

"Here this is your room , bye now Becky"

"Thanks Irin , see you around"

Hmm that should be me. But whatever I tried to look away from her as I didn't like what I saw but she seated beside me as that's the only empty chair

I stare at her and she gave me a smile.
Aaah she's cute. Finally the teacher arrived , luckily or else I'll be melting.

I can hear our mates whispering about how beautiful she is and wondering what's her name.

"Good morning class" Teacher Ploy said

We all answered and greeted her back

"Oh Freen you're here, you're not busy today?"..

"No ma'am I've got my work done early"

"That's nice, class by the way we have a transferee.Come here and introduce yourself"

She stood up and looking shy but smiling on all of us. She better stop doing that or else everyone will fall for her. Ahhh did I say everyone? I mean the students except me.

" Hello good morning. I'm Rebecca Patricia Armstrong but you can call me Becky. We just moved here yesterday , please be kind to me. Thank you"

They all clapped and boys are so noisy and shouting

"Beckyyyyy I will give you my heart , sacrifice my life to be my wife"

"Becky marry meeee"

"You're so cute"

She went back to her seat and our teacher stopped them from shouting.

Class is already finished and as our teacher left, group of boys approached Becky.

"Hi , Becky I'm Mario but you can call me baby"

Becky smiled awkwardly.

"Yaah Mario , don't play with her . Go back to your seat"

He is the play boy of the class .

"Aaay president you're so moody today . Bye for now Becky, I'll go back to my seat first before the president get mad and list me on guidance office detainee "

Becky just nod to him.

Then she whispered to me ''Thank you"


"Thank you for that"

"Ahhh. It's fine hmm, good thing you were able to find this room"

"Yeah I met someone in the hallway and she was kind enough to walk me here. She's in a different section , her name is Irin "

"Yeah I saw and know her"

"Thanks to her "

"Okay, hmm"

****End of flashback

"At first I was jealous of Irin and hated Heng for trying to flirt with her , also Mario the playboy he was so annoying"

"Hahaha you're so jelly Freen , Irin is her bestfriend and Heng don't stand a chance , he even is a shipper for both of you. Well , Mario he is known a playboy so no one will believe him haha.But your greatest opponent was Drake"

"Well , not really . You see I've won..I'm marrying her tomorrow . I'm so excited."

"Yeah congratulations , so happy for both of you gays"

"Thank you. Should I visit her? I miss her already"

"Hey calm down your ass , tomorrow you will see her and spend honeymoon . So be patient and wait , okay?"

"Hmmm okay okay , I just feel I want to hug her now and I'm feeling anxious . I think something bothering me inside"

"You're just nervous"

"Hmm is that it?"

"Yeah it's normal , that's how I felt before I get married "

"Oh really maybe you're right"

We finished our coffee , Nam and I are in the car. I'm driving her home. As I'm driving I almost hit a dog that is passing by, not driving fast but my heart beats twice. I'm feeling so extra nervous today. I'm sweating even car aircon is on. I can't really focus so I asked Nam if she can drive instead as I'm not feeling well . She also noticed I'm looking pale.
I don't know what's with me but my heart can't calm and my mind is full of thoughts that are unidentified.



I'm checking my Instagram and I saw Becky posted their prenup photos. They will get married tomorrow. They're really meant for each other. Seeing her happy makes me happy too. I've liked and loved her since I first saw her. But what will I do if she doesn't love me?I can't force myself on her . I think this is just how it ends. She invited me to her wedding , but I'm not sure if I'll go.

Tomorrow will be their new beginning of their married life and my ending .

Author's POV

Just a short update.
How's it? Hmm
sorry been busy , will try to update more.

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