Hold up- wait a min- [Chapter 4]

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Eri looks up in shock, if Izuku was being honest, so was he. He met this little white-haired girl with tons of trauma and went 'Yep, this is now my child.'

Shit, Izuku barely knew Eri. But he's already become attached and doesn't think anyone else could take care of her. Eri has gone through scary, life-changing events in her life, that no child should have had to go through.

And putting her in a new environment, with new people would be even worse for her. Eri hasn't mentioned any family members or friends so she must have been in the place she was stuck in before since she was born. Alone, stuck, scared, and hurt.

She probably would have gone to the system and foster care. And even if she was put in the system, that would make it a heck of a lot easier for her kidnapper to find her. Thus it would be safer for Eri to stay with Izuku.

" I know we only met today, but I think it would be safer if you stayed with me. As long as you're comfortable with that, and you feel safe with me?" Izuku questions if she'll be okay with this arrangement, or if she'll want to leave and go into the system.

Eri looks up with teary eyes, looking moments before breaking down again. "Do-do you-u mean I-it?" Eri whimpers, tears finally streaming down her face once again.

Izuku smiles a small smile, one full of love and truth. "Of course, I would love for you to stay..." Izuku whispers back, barely holding back his tears.

Eri began to quietly sob into Izuku's shoulder, as Izuku shed his tears and hugged her tightly. Before turning the lamp off and pulling the cover over them, laying Eri on his chest. As she yawns and blinks away the last of her tears she looks up at Izuku, whispering at him.

"Thank you..." she then goes limp in his hold, and Izuku begins to slowly descend into unconsciousness.  


The Next Day, 7:35 AM:

As Eri awakes, it takes her a second to remember where she was. If she wasn't in the room with no widows or the medical room, where was she?

As she began to wake up some more, she sniffled and coughed. Her throat was so dry she could drink a river right now. She sniffles again, only to smell something delicious. It smelled like bread fresh out of the oven and slightly peppered eggs.

Not that she knew that, she was only fed bland and flavourless foods back at the hideout. But she wanted whatever was making her mouth dribble with drool, so she stood from the large comfy bed, and travelled down the hallway from the slightly cracked open bedroom door.

As Eri entered what seemed to be the kitchen, she saw Izuku in the middle of it, dancing and cooking something in a pan to an upbeat bit quiet melody he was humming. "Good morning, sunshine!" Izuku cheers with a grin, his eyes never leaving the pan of what looked like scrambled eggs.

"-,oring..." Eri yawns before coughing slightly from her sore throat. Izuku looks back at her with worry in his eyes, he quickly puts the eggs on a plate, then grabs water from the fridge and hands it gently to Eri.

Eri struggles to open the cap because of the seal on it. Izuku giggled at the cute concentrating face that Eri was sporting as she sighed with frustration. He then swoops her up into his arms and brings her to part of the counter without food on it.

Izuku gently takes the bottle out of Eri's hands, opens it and gives it back to her to drink. I'm return, Eri dunks her head back and takes large gulps out of the water, startling Izuku with how fast she's drinking the water without choking from lack of air.

As Eri finished most of the water, she gasped for air, then looked up and around the kitchen. All around her on the small island are plates of delicious-looking foods, toasted bread, grilled fish, rice, scrambled eggs, and more eggs that Izuku puts on top of the rice on two separate plates.

That egg looks like was folded like an omelette, but fluffier? Eri was confused but didn't question the strange-looking egg.

Izuku then turns to Eri after putting the pan in the sink and picks her up with a twirl. He sets her down at the table, alongside the delectable-looking foods, before sitting down himself.

Izuku reached over to cut the egg on Eri's rice down the middle, Eri watched in amazement as the gooey, yellow, goodness spilled from inside the egg around/on top of the rice. Eri looks up at Izuku, he looks back at her with a small smile, and Eri realizes that she doesn't need permission to eat now. So she digs in.

Izuku picks slightly at the food on his plate before humming, tilting his head up to look at Eri. "Eri?" Izuku utters, sounding uneasy. Eri hums in acknowledgement, letting him know she's listening.

"Remember when I asked if I could adopt you?" Izuku questions, Eri then looks up, quite slowly as if just remembering. "Yea?" Eri states, lowly as if scared Izuku will change his mind.

"Well for that to happen, I have to know if you have any parents, or aunts and uncles?" If Izuku does adopt Eri, he needs to consult with any living family member about it first, don't want a lawsuit on his hands.

Eri shook her head. "I made daddy disappear, and mummy didn't want a cursed child..." Eri mutters, looking down at her half-eaten plate. Izuku felt his blood boil at her statement, that if Izuku adopted Eri, he would be a better mom than Eri could ever be.

Izuku took a deep breath, trying not to alarm Eri of his rage. "Okay, Eri! How about we go make this happen before I die of old age!" Izuku says in a joking tone, Eri doesn't laugh (She doesn't smile either, we'll get there though) but she does look up with excitement in her eyes.


After They Finished Cleaning Up-

As Izuku was tying his red high tops he stopped, 'These shoes are so old they disintegrate with every step I take.' Izuku thought with a grimace.

Eri was getting dressed right now, so he stood up from the kitchen table and walked towards that hallway closet that had more shoes that he'd never even thought of wearing. He scans over the first couple of shoes before his eyes land on the perfect pair of shoes.

'OH MY LORD!! I FORGOT I BOUGHT THESE!!' Izuku quietly squealed in delight before putting them on, throwing his old shoes in the closet.

These are the small platform Nike shoes he bought for his 14th birthday! They were pure white from no usage and made him at least 2 inches taller! (That's a lot for him since he's so short compared to everyone else in the quirked society.)

As he stands up, getting a feel of his new shoes, he hears Eri shuffle down the hallway. He turns to see her dressed in a pink long sleeve with purple leggings and heart socks on. Izuku didn't help her pick an outfit out this time to see what she'd pick.

"Ready to go become a Midoriya?" Izuku asks, excited to adopt this little girl.

"A-As ready as I'll be..." Eri stutters, shuffling in her new sneakers.

Izuku giggles before picking Eri up, who in return puts her arms up in an 'upper' position, and cheats for his keys, wallet, and over-the-shoulder bag before beginning the journey to the nearest police station.

1316 Words

Thanks for reading chapter 4 (Hold Up- Wait A Min-) Of 🍋; Lemon Boy;🍋!

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