Eri Midoriya.. [Chapter 3]

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It's been a couple hours since Eri had her bath, which was, in the nicest way possible, disgusting... Not Eri, no no no, but her hair was so matted that it was impossible to run a brush through it, and her arms an legs were coated in dry blood and dirt.

'If I ever see that PURPLE FUR COATED SCANK, ILL RIP ALL OF HIS HAIR OFF AND COVER HIM IN HIS OWN BLOOD!!' Izuku thinks as he washes the dishes with a little more force than needed. As he's doing that Eri's in her new PJ's and sitting at the table waiting for Izuku to finish so he can figure out where Eri will sleep tonight.

'She could sleep with me, if she fine with that, of course. But maybe she can have my bed and I could sleep in Inko's room... I'll ask her.' Izuku turns to Eri with a smile on his face as soon as he puts the last dish on the drying rack. "Eri?" Izuku says in a tender voice, "hmm?" Eri looks up from the notebook in front of her. (Izuku gave her one of his old analyst notebooks that she could understand, she kept glancing at No.13, the one covered in water marks and scorches... Fucking Katsuki.'

"I was wondering where you wanted to sleep tonight?" Questioned Izuku, smile never leaving his face. "You can sleep with me in my room. Or I can sleep in the other bedroom while you have my bed." Eri look surprised, like she thought she didn't have a choice. 'That cold motherfucker better sleep with one eye open, CAUSE IM GONNA RIP IT OUT AND SHOVE IT SO FAR UP HIS ASS HE'LL TASTE IT!' Izuku looks back at Eri as he hears a whisper, barely audible.

"Can... can I sleep in your room.." Eri whisper, Izuku smiles brightens a little. "Of course Eri! How about we put you to bed now?" Eri nodded before holding out her arm, like she wanted to be picked up. 'SO FRICKING CUTE!!!' Izuku giggles before picking up Eri, and spinning her once around in the direction of the hallway.

When Izuku opens the door to his room his grimaces, 'That All Bitch makes so much merch... like is he self-centred or just chasing for that bag' . Izuku sets Eri down on the bed and then goes around the room grabbing posters from the walls and folding them up. He continues to put them in his all might shirt paradise of a closet, before he turns to Eri.

"Do you want a night light? Or do you want me to keep the hall light on and keep your door open a little?" Eri stares at the small lamp on the side table before turning towards the open door with a lit hallway. "The hallway, please." Izuku grins, and tucks Eri under the overs and pushing her hair out of her face. "Goodnight, Eri. I'll be in the door at the end of the hallway if you need me, kk?" Eri's eyes began to droop when she yawned and answered "kk..." before falling into a deep sleep.

Izuku coo's at the adorable little human. 'THAT WAS THE CUTES FUCKING THING EVER!!" As Izuku tiptoes into the hallway, into his moms room. He looks around room, it's was bland but bigger than his old room. He than sat down on the queen size bed and took out his computer he grabbing before leaving his room. 'If I wanna pass the entrance exam, might as well study some more. Or I'll just get bite in the ass..' Izuku than turned on his laptop and started reading over some higher grade textbook questions.

1 Hour Later

As Izuku is finishing the history page he was reading, he hears padding, like someone was walking to the bedroom? He quickly shut his laptop before putting it on the bedside table and swinging his legs off the side of the bed, but doesn't stand up.

As the padding gets closer he can start to hear barely audible sniffles and wet coughs. There is then a small but noticeable knock on the wooden door to the bedroom.

Izuku speedily  stands up and speed walks towards the door, then quickly opens the door, with little care of the care how it's hinges creak in protest of the fast opening.

Izuku looks down expectingly, crouches down onto his knees to look at the small girl in front  of the door with sad eyes. Eri stand there, tiny hands gripping the end of her fuzzy pyjamas shirt with white white knuckles. She's biting her lip, tears tracks obviously still on her cheek bones and eyelashes. Looking at the ground with fresh, tears in her eyes which haven't fallen yet.  

"Oh, you poor thing..." Izuku whispers, gently pulling Eri into a light hug, waiting for her to either accept the hug or pull away. That's when the flood gates open and Eri starts to ball.
"I-I-I didn't k-know what to d-d-o!"
Eri cry's, "I d-didn't wan-want to wake y-you up but-but I was to scar-scared!"

Izuku shushed her. "It's okay, sweetheart..." As he slides his fingers through her hair as she cries. " I was awake anyways, so you wouldn't have woken me up." He answers.

Eri stopped crying but was still sniffling and hiccuping, so Izuku picked her up, closed the door behind him and sat on his mothers bed. Stroking her hair as she calmed down.

As he was doing that Eri stuttered her way through her sentence saying she thought he was gonna leave her here and disappear like the bad man said everyone she touch would. Izuku said to her that "No matter what happens, I will never leave you.." he then hugged her tightly.

After a couple mins and no more tears were shedded, Izuku took Eri's head out of his shoulder and looked her in the eye's.


"Hmh" Eri looked up at him.

"How would you like to become a Midoriya?"

1034 words!

Thanks for reading Chapter 3 ( Eri Midoriay...) Of 🍋;Lemon Boy;🍋!

Love your Author Izzy!

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