Chapter 24 - Distance

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You couldn't stay

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You couldn't stay. You had until after the funeral and then you had to return to your role overseas. You'd expected that they would make you return, just not quite so soon.

They'd given Hotch only five days before interviewing him, before interviewing the whole team. Jack had stayed with you and the team while they had asked Hotch questions, and you had tried your best to entertain him whilst he waited for his Dad.

Surprisingly, Hotch had accepted most, if not all of your many offers to support. Whether it be by bringing meals, helping him pack things up or being an extra set of hands during the move, he seemed very grateful to have you there. You had somewhat been expecting him to shut you out, become a fraction of himself, completely close down but he'd actually allowed you to be with him.

He wasn't distant and detached like how he was after the stabbing and although the dynamics of your relationship had changed, you were taking the fact he still wanted you around as a positive. Being there for him in a friendship capacity was enough for you at this stage, and you weren't about to make things complicated by making this about you.

So when Strauss had called you into her office after the interrogation, telling you that the Bureau needed you to complete your assignment but that you'd be welcomed back to the BAU in a couple of months, you were gutted. You knew that he was mature enough to not think you were putting your job before him, but that didn't change how you felt about going back overseas.

With Haley's funeral being the priority at the time, you didn't say anything to him, staying mute. It wasn't the appropriate time to tell him and it wasn't at all about you.

You'd only told the team when they were called into a case during Haley's funeral, stating that you couldn't go with them. That you hadn't been reinstated into the unit. They were disappointed, and Morgan's look of frustration had deepened even further but no one argued the news. It was neither the time or place.

The only person that was left to tell was Hotch. And you had no idea how you were supposed to deliver the news.


He didn't react, or rather he displayed no emotion to the news. Which in fact, upon reflection was a reaction in itself.

He had nodded, explained that he knew that you'd have to go back and asked when your flight was. You'd inaudibly mumbled the date back to him, hoping that if you said it quiet enough he wouldn't hear and it wouldn't be real.

But he heard. The whole interaction felt very much boss talking to a subordinate, and it had stung.

You'd made sure not to show the hurt on your face, trying to remember that again, it was not the time to make this around you and your feelings.

You hadn't planned to tell him you were leaving and to say goodbye all at once, but the silence and awkwardness prompted you to ask for Jack. To say farewell. He'd given you the biggest hug, saying he'd miss your cooking, before quickly returning to his colouring book.

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