Untitled Part 44

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 The week went by and Friday rolled around. All I could think about during school that day was about my mom arriving at the airport that night. The school day seemed like it would never end. The bell finally rang. Mrs. Davis was waiting for Brittany and me in her car outside of the school.

"So, how was school today, girls?"

"It okay, but I wet," I said.

"Oh, I'll get you changed when we get home."

"Britty, are you wet?"

"Yes, mommy. A lot." After we got changed, Mrs. Davis began cooking supper.

"Do you need any help?" I asked kindly.

"Sure. You can be my special helper. I'll tell you when I need something and you can get it for me, okay?" Mrs. Davis said energetically.

"O-tay," I said.

"I need some butter. Know where that is?"

"Yeah, in the 'fiderator." Mrs. Davis laughed.

"That's right, the refrigerator," she said, saying it correctly. I handed her the butter. While she was mixing up whatever it was she was making, I remembered that Mom was to come home that night.

"When is mommy gonna be home," I asked anxiously.

"She said on the phone last night that she'll arrive around 9:00."

"Aww. I gonna be sleeping then," I said sadly.

"No, you won't. Your mommy said she'll let you stay up late tonight. Kelly too." I smiled and knew Kelly would be happy.

"Where is Kelly anyway?" I asked.

"She fell asleep watching cartoons. She's been out since we got home from school," Brittany said while entering the kitchen.

"Yeah, she's worn out. While you two were at school today, I took Kelly shopping with me. She did a lot of walking. Ashey dear, could you get the milk out?" I gave her the milk and helped her until supper was ready. She made some sort of casserole. When supper was ready, Kelly was still soundly asleep on the sofa.

"Ashey, could you go wake up your sister? Supper's just about done."

"O-tay. I go wake her." I went into the TV room and saw her sleeping so peacefully. I didn't want to wake her because she seemed so happy, but it was supper time. I gently nudged her on the shoulder.

"Kelly, it's time for supper." She opened her eyes and realized she had been asleep for two hours. "Did you have a nice nap?" I asked her.

"Yeah, I was sleepy." Kelly got up and began walking towards the kitchen. She stopped in the middle of the living room and let out a loud "oh no!"

"Is that Kelly? What's wrong?" Mrs. Davis said from the kitchen."

"I'm wet!" Kelly pouted. Her Pull-Up must have been soaked.

"It's yucky and cold and wet," Kelly said, almost crying. Mrs. Davis came into the living room, and began to pick Kelly Up. "It's okay. I'll get you into a dry Pull-Up in no time. Ready for take-off?" That took her mind of the wet Pull-Up as her eyes lit up. "Yeah, I wanna fly!" she said happily. Mrs. Davis did the airplane routine with her. Her Pull-Up was changed within a few minutes. It was time to eat. While we were eating, Mrs. Davis started talking about when Mom would arrive.

"Now, after supper you can watch TV or play with your toys until about 8:00. Then we all have to get in the car and go to the airport.

"Oh yeah,. I almost forgot," Brittany said.

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