Untitled Part 3

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 Now it was March. The package of diapers I had bought were gone, so once again I snuck out on a night when the parents weren't home, and got more diapers. I still used them at night and I was wetting them during the day as well. I began walking around the house wearing diapers, and luckily, my parents didn't notice. Since they were ultratrim, there weren't very bulky and didn't make a whole lot of noise.

On the second Monday of March I came home from school expecting my mother to greet me in her normal "hi sweetie" expression, but this time she was a bit distracted. Her tone of voice was different and she seemed somewhat angry. My dad was still at work and wouldn't get home until supper time.

"Ashley, when your father gets home, I want to have a talk with you and your father." I was a little afraid of what they wanted to talk about, but I figured it was something about me and my brother fighting or something.

"Ok, mommy."

The time came. After supper my mom and dad took me up to my room and shut the door.

"Princess, mommy found something in your room today that caught her attention." My father opened my closet and took the bag of diapers out.

"Can you tell me why these are in here?" My heart stopped. I was shocked and afraid. How did they find my hiding place and why did they look in that box, the box they NEVER used or touched for years. I was about to die at this moment. I didn't know what to say. I opened my mouth but nothing came out. I was hoping this was a bad dream and I'd wake up, but it wasn't.

"I---I---I," was all I could say. My father looked very angry and my mom seemed calm, but I knew she too was feeling anger under her breath.

"I don't understand this, Ashley. Why do you need diapers? Having Kelly in diapers is enough. Where did you get these?" My dad actually called me by my real name. I could tell he was upset now.

"At the grocery store." I replied.

"Why are you doing this, Ash?" my mother asked in a quiet, confused tone. I didn't know how to answer her. I wanted to tell her about the bed wetting thing and that I bought diapers so I wouldn't have wet sheets, but then I realized I lied to her and she would probably get upset. But telling her that I bought them to cure my bed wetting was not one hundred percent true. I also used them for fun. I finally spit it out.

"I---I---I snuck one of Kelly's diapers up to my room when I had those bed wetting problems. I thought that wearing diapers to bed would be better than wet sheets but then I started liking being wet and I went to the store and got a bag of diapers so you wouldn't notice the missing diapers. Mommy, I'm sorry."

"I don't know what to say. First, you lied to me about your bed wetting. And now you want to wear diapers like a baby because it feels good? I think I'm going to call the psychologist tomorrow and see what he has to say about all of this." I began to cry. This was the first time my mother was this upset with me and I didn't want to see a shrink. My parents scared me that night and I thought they were going to disown me. When I started crying, however, my mother felt sorry for me.

"I'm sorry if I scared you, Ash. I know I don't yell, but this is all very confusing to me. I still love you, with all my heart. Please understand that. I just want to understand what's driven you to diapers. Daddy and I love you very much." She comforted me and so did my dad. I began to feel better. My mother took my diapers away and that night there was no diaper to put on for bed. Lying in bed that night, I wondered what would happen. And I wondered if my sheets would be wet in the morning.

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