Untitled Part 43

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The next morning, Brittany woke me up early.

"Ashley, wake up."

"What?" I said, in a sleepy voice.

"My diaper is wet."

"Yeah, so?"

"I wet it while I was sleeping. But I'm not a bed wetter," Brittany said quietly.

"Maybe your body got so used to peeing in a diaper that it forgot how to hold it at night?" I questioned.

"Yeah, maybe that's why. I hope mommy doesn't get mad.

"You're mom won't be mad. She thinks it's cute that you're wearing diapers." Brittany got out of bed and went into Mrs. Davis' room. She was already awake and was making her bed.

"Hiya Britty. How come you're up so early this morning?"

"I'm wet. I wet in my sleep."

"That's okay. That's why I put you in a diaper last night."

"But mommy, I never wet at night before."

"Don't worry about it. You can wear diapers for as long as you want. Now, let's get you changed. I can smell it from here." It did smell bad since it had been soaked with pee all night. Mine was wet too, but not as much.

After we were both changed, Kelly was still asleep. I went in to check on her. She was sleeping like a baby with her stuffed bear that Mom had bought her when she was younger. She looked so happy and content while sleeping. I went over to her and gently nudged her.

"Kelly, it's time to wake up. Mrs. Davis has a big day planned for us."

"I'm still sleepy. Let me sleep---oh no!"

"What's wrong Kelly?"

"I'm wet! Really wet!"

"It's okay. I'll get Mrs. Davis to change you.

"No! I want you to change me," Kelly said assertively.

"Well, all right. If that's what you want." Me? I was the one who was supposed to be the baby. But, I knew if I wouldn't change her, she'd have a hissy fit, so I went ahead and did it. Kelly seemed to be in a good mood after she was changed.

"Are you still sleepy?"

"No, I don't want to sleep anymore. I'm hungry!"

"Me too. My tummy hurts cause I hungry. Let's go downstairs." Mrs. Davis was still in her room so I asked if she'd carry me downstairs. I was afraid of the stairs, and so was Kelly.

"I wanna be carried to. Stairs are scary." Mrs. Davis carried the both of us down there, and we ate breakfast.

"I've got big plans for you girls today."

"Like what?" Kelly asked happily.

"We'll, first, we're going to Toys R US and each of you will get to pick out a toy. Then, we're going to Kohl's to get some cute baby clothes for Britty and finally, we're going to go see a movie," Mrs. Davis said.

"Sounds like fun," Kelly said.

"Baby clothes? Me?" Brittany asked.

"Yes, just like Ashey wears. You're my baby girl now, so you should have baby girl clothes.

"Yeah, me should. Thank-u mommy," she said while smiling. She was a little shocked to realize she'd be treated just like a baby, but it looked as if she liked the idea.

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