1. U.A High - Not The Press!

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You did not know what to make of it

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You did not know what to make of it. You were not so sure you deserved to be here. And you did not exactly feel welcome, but perhaps that was your own fault.

Walking down the halls of U.A High school on your first day, students scurried out of your way. You had already been recognized as the one in the news. After all, it had been the highlight for some time, and had started debates across the boarders of what to do with those dangerous creatures.

But even so, it probably was not for the news that they scurried out of your way but rather...

"Pika..." Pikachu trailed off, watching with sad eyes as people spotted him on your shoulder and then created as much distance as they could in the hallway of the school, "... Chu."

However, you skipped down the hall with a small smile on your lips, a hand lifted to pet Pikachu a little, "Don't worry, bud. They'll come around." In all honesty, you did not expect such a strong reaction coming from the students. Not from seeing Pikachu of all Pokémon. He was an adorable little guy. Some girls found him cute, while guys would often think of him as not being strong because of his features.

They were wrong, of course. Being a constant victim of his electric shocks, you knew that for sure.

However, this was a decision you had made yourself. And you would not change your mind about it any time soon. Despite knowing that the principal and teachers alike were not fond of the idea.

 Despite knowing that the principal and teachers alike were not fond of the idea

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"No. I will not have a yellow mouse in my class. That's ridiculous." You blinked at the tired man situated by the end of the table in the teacher's lounge.

"Why not?" You pulled on your shoulders, "You could match." You added quickly, gesturing towards him as he zipped his yellow sleeping bag a little down.

"You have to understand," Nezu spoke to get your attention, "We have already risked our reputation by accepting you as a student after the incident, we're just waiting for the backlash at the moment. If you want to have Pokémon wandering the school, we would have a big problem with the press."

"Pikachu does not like to be in his Pokéball, so he's not going to be-"

"Pokéball? What are you on about, kid?" Aizawa, your soon to be teacher, cut you off before you could continue.

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