"Hey, come on yall. How we gonna get some tacos?" Andre asked.

"I could call Trina. Ask her to pick some up and leave them in my locker" Tori shrugged.

"You're so conceited, Tori" Robbie said crying?

"what?" She asked confused.

"Come on" Tori said leading everyone down stairs once they saw Trina run out, Cynthia didn't even wanna go so she made Beck give her a piggy back ride.

They all walked down the stairs, before rushing over to Tori's locker, she put her combination in opening it to reveal the bag of Tacos.

"Tacos. the girl has Tacos. They're Tacos" Robbie said as everyone ignored him going to head back to the Library.

They were casually walking when they stopped, turning a little to see Dickers looking at a paper on the wall.

They all ran back over by the lockers to see him now getting a drink, they all stopped before running the other way, going another way only to see him once more, turning back around to run again.

Back and forth, back and forth running since every corner they turned he seemed to be there waiting.

"Woah, woah, woah, woah the floor is wet" Tori said as they almost ran into a mop and two caution signs.

"We can run across that its two dangerous" Cat said as Cynthia looking at them.

"Are you guys like dumb? we can literally walk" she said as they all ignored her.

"Way to go, Tori. You just had to have your taco" Jade yelled at her.

"We're dead" Robbie said looking around.

"No, just me and Cynthia" Tori said as she looked at her wide eyes.

"Excuse me" she said looking at her, as Tori rolled up the bag of Tacos before putting them in Robbie's pants.

"You guys get back to the library" she said grabbing Cynthia hand.

"why are you touching me?"

"What about you" Cat asked.

"We're gonna get dickers attention" Tori said

"We? whos we?" Cynthia asked.

"How?" Andre asked.

"Here i am, once again, feeling lost" Tori began to sing running off, stilling holding onto Cynthia hand dragging her with her.

"You dont have to be afraid to put your dream in action" Tori sang when Cynthia stopped her.

"why did you drag me along?" Cynthia asked groaning.

"Cause i wanted, now come in" Tori said grabbing her hand once more as she began to sing running.

"Just remember me when i make it shine!" Tori sang, running as she ran into dickers, earning in Cynthia running into Tori.

"Oh, oh, oh, im gonna make it shine. Im gonna make it shine real good" he yelled looking at the girls.

"Listen" Cynthia began but was cut off.

"Ah, you're in big trouble Valentine and Vega"

"For what?" Tori asked.

"For leaving the library, skinny jeans" He said as Cynthia laughed at the name.

"And singing off key!" he yelled as Cynthia nodded.

"You were" she said as Dickers nodded in agreement.

"Come on!" he said grabbing both of their arms.

"i was running and singing at the same time. Thats, thats really hard!" she complained.

"oh, shut up!" he yelled.

He pushed the girls in the janitors closets as Cynthia looked at him confused.

"That's the last time you run about these halls singing about making it shine"

"Im sorry"

"You watch that mouth!" he yelled at her.

"what did she even say?" Cynthia asked confused.

"You know where you're going to be five years from now? You're going to be a big pop star"

"that sounds cool" Tori said as Cynthia hummed in agreement.

"OK Ms. Pop star. See if you can pop this" she said rolling up his sleeve to reveal some nasty, big ass pimple.

"Is that an arm pimple?" Tori asked, as Cynthia gagged looking away.

"well, go ahead pop star. Pop it. Pop my arm pimple" he said as Tori backed away disgusted.

"Ewww" she said.

"i dare you. Pop it!"


"Come on!"

"you do it!"

"Get on it!"

"no, there's goo in there!"

"Do it, Vega!"

"i dont wanna!"

"Fine, Valentine, do it"

"I will literally slap the shit out of you" she yelled looking at him.

"Do it!" he said putting hsi arm closer to her.

"you come literally any closer, i will punch the fuck out of you" she yelled.

"Do it!"


"DO IT!"

"Im gonna taze you, you nasty ass!" she yelled, as he left locking the door behind him.

Possibility • Beck OliverWhere stories live. Discover now