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As the last Inferi hit the floor disappearing as its charred body turned to ash. You sat down, gaining the attention of Sebastian "What are you doing Y/n? It's no time to take a break we are so close!" He grabbed your arm pulling you up as you had to follow behind him. You tried to protest but he completely ignored you, so you stopped trying. As you had to fight spiders and solve puzzles, the pain in your leg only got worse, you were sure it was sprained at best, broken at worst, swollen? Oh for sure it was. But you couldn't just say that, thinking he would find you underly useless. "You're of no help to me, why don't you go back to your dorm room!" "I thought you were stronger than this, you weakling." Or the worst one "I never liked you anyway, you don't suit my tastes, following me around like some idiot! I merely needed you for this and you fall flat, I no longer need you, nor do I wan't you!" That's what you thought he might say, you were too scared to find out. You were a bit of a people pleaser and you thought if you didn't appeal to every whim of the person you were with, you were failing as a friend.

You nearly spaced out the rest of the time, overthinking everything as you usually did, what were you to do really? You stood beside him even when he wasn't being the kindest to you because that's all you knew. It would kill you if he disapproved of a single thing you did, but that's all you knew, the only thing you knew was that if you weren't useful, you were useless. "Worthless child! You can't do a single thing right!" Things you had heard from family members started to circulate your brain, what were you to do anyway? With a limp that only got worse and a deteriorating mental state you felt like you could collapse at any moment. "Y/n? You alright?" Sebastian inqured, causing you to hind your injured leg behind the other, "Perfectly fine! Did you need something?" He glanced down before shaking, whatever thought he had, out of his mind. "Yes actually, you're one for solving puzzles are you not? It seems these bones have to do with out entrance, like they did last time, should we split up and find them?" You shook your head no, slightly panicked, was this another form of platonic rejection?

"I'd prefer it if we stuck together, you are quite bright yourself, I need a bit of a helping hand." He politely obliged as you took the lead this time, but in front of him now, he noticed your weak leg, your limping ankle and it seemed swollen through the socks you wore. He stopped you in your tracks tugging on your arm causing you to stop, "Umm, something wrong?" You didn't even get a chance to notice what he was doing before you were sat on the rock behind you and he had grabbed your leg to check the damage. You winced as he touched it, causing him to back away almost immediately "I knew it, you're strange behavior, you're hurt aren't you?" The tone of voice used was one of anger, and it made you quite defensive "I'm fine, lets keep going." You stood up and pulled past him finding the first part of the skeleton, putting it in its place as you went off to search for the other. "Useful, be useful, can't you just be of use to me this once!" Your thoughts and memories only made the situation worse, what were you going to do now, mindlessly completing tasks like some sort of slave.

"It's done!" You exclaimed in joy as the staircase leading up to the doorway was revealed in front of you. Sebastian seemed to completely forget the fact you were injured, pulling you up the stairs with him, then it happened. Once you reached the top of the stairs, you took another step inside collapsing as the pain became too much. Sebastian was to busy grabbing the relic, "Here it is, it's here! This must be it! If I- We could find some way to-" he looked back to meet your gaze but his eyes trailed down to where you were struggling to sit up again, gasping at the pain you felt, curling in on yourself. "Oh my god Y/n you are hurt, why did you come with me when you could barely walk-" you snapped, it wasn't entirely his fault you felt this rage but it was like a tortured animal let out of their cage, scared and angry "Stop! Stop it don't pretend you care! All you care about is that stupid relic, you pushed Ominis to have to hear the cries of the cruciatus curse being used on me, I let you use me however you wanted but its not enough. It's never enough! You can pretend to care for my wellbeing but I know well enough once you've gotten what you want you wont give me a second thought! I let you use me however you needed, I've taken more than a few hits on your behalf, I've done everything, everything for you. Why can't you just keep using me and stop pretending you care for me, you're only truly friends with me for convenience that's something I learned about people early on in my life." You didn't notice your tears, you didn't notice how your voice started to waver, your vision was blurred.

You wiped away your tears, turning to see Sebastian right next to you, seemingly angry, "You're a fool if you really think that! That's all you think of me, if I knew you thought that low of me" You deflated, crying more, "You're an awful person, you only care about what I can do for you, you don't even truly care! All you want is my abilities to see ancient magic, I shouldn't have told you!" Calling you a fool, maybe you were, but that jerk didn't understand.

"You- I can't believe you really think that's what I want from you! If you really felt that way why didn't you tell me! Why the theatrics! Why didn't you say anything when you got hurt, I wouldn't have judged you for it we could have sat you somewhere safe and I could have kept going on alone-" you grabbed his shoulders, "Because I was scared ok! You thought I was capable, I'm the person who took down the troll, I'm the one who escaped a dragon attack, i'm the one who you thought was brilliant, you saw something in me and It feels like I'm cracking under the pressure. I don't want you to think low of me, I want you to-" you stopped yourself, covering your mouth and turning away from him, pulling up your school hood, you couldn't believe you were about to tell him you wanted him to love you the way you loved and admired him. You truly wanted him to hold you, even if it was just until you ran out of use like what others had done to you, you wanted warmth who doesn't. "You want me to what?" His voice softened, he seemed genuinely worried for you, "I want you to... tell me what you think about me, what you truly think about me," Sebastian grabbed your hand, fully sitting next to you now, "I think you're the most bright and selfless person at hogwarts, I think you're the only other true friend I've made here, and I think you're lovely, brilliant, kind, every positive trait in the books. But I also think you need to tell me what you truly think, be more transparent with me, tell me when you're upset or even when you're happy. I am taking this relic with me, I'm plopping you on my broom, and I'm taking you to the school infirmary where you will stay until you get better." He grabbed under your arm, same arm as the injury on your foot "And afterward, we could get a butter bear, on me, for the trouble I've caused you as of recently." You couldn't bring yourself to tell him that you think you liked him, no, you couldn't be with him until you bettered yourself.

You couldn't keep thinking in this destructive way, you couldn't assume what peoples intentions were, you couldn't let your past intervene with your future, so you are going to keep going, rest easy, and learn to not care about what others think of you, or you'll just keep horrible people around, that that will intervene with how you see the good people. As Sebastian carefully set you on his broom he sat there as well, putting you in front of him to make sure you didn't fall off, "Ready to go? We can always talk about this when you're more comfortable, you can even write it on some parchment if you can't say it out loud, I find writing to be easier than talking sometimes."

SORRY IF ITS NOT EXACTLY WHAT YOU WANTED! It was exceedingly hard to do this when I'm not the best at writing angst, but I need to get used to it if I want to keep this book going since it seems to be popular. Love you all thank you for your support!

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⏰ Ostatnio Aktualizowane: Mar 19, 2023 ⏰

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