💘🥀An Unforgivable Curse

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This was requested by me I just wanted to write about it so you would have more content and I would have more creative fun! Remember, you can also DM me requests! Make sure to follow and add this to your reading list so you never miss out on updates!
Slight angst, mostly fluff, and comforting Seb because yes.

This was requested by me I just wanted to write about it so you would have more content and I would have more creative fun! Remember, you can also DM me requests! Make sure to follow and add this to your reading list so you never miss out on updat...

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You had been waiting by the staircase close to the undercroft, patiently looking for a certain friend of yours who had told you to meet there just earlier that day. You checked the note again, reading it through to make sure it was today he wanted to meet with you. "Meet me at the spot today, I have something I'd like to show you. Based on what you and I had previously discussed, I thought this might interest you. - S.S" you skimmed through it, eyes caught on the "today" part. You looked around and listened for any lingering footsteps, a pitter-patter of heavy rain was all you could hear from inside the castle. Feeling a bit deflated, you sat down leaning against a wall to take a break. Running around all day had taken a toll on you, resting for a minute shouldn't do much, would it?

While you drifted off to sleep, a certain Slytherin had been slithering about the halls, making his way to you. He was going to be late, and you may have already left thinking he was messing with you. Sebastian wanted to see you today, classes hadn't been enough, and he wanted to teach you a new spell. Crucio, to be specific, he planned to have you test it on him to see its effects, if not he could take you outside or use an animal to show how it affected it. He wasn't completely sure of how powerful or painful the spell truly was, and he was eager to test it out. By the time he had found you, you were already fast asleep, bundled in your house robes, hair poofy and slightly disheveled. He found the sight to be strangely adorable, but he bent down to try and wake you up.

"Y/n, wake up, I can't have you sleeping on the cold hard floor." You groaned, turning your head away from him. Sebastian tried to shake you awake but to no avail. He poked your cheek, trying anything he could, before you opened your eyes. Your eyes immediately met his, "Oh, your finally here, what took you so long." He grabbed your hands, lifting you to your feet as he answered "Nothing much, just haggling my way out of another detention." You chuckled, "What was I expecting? Only the best from Sebastian Sallow I suppose." Not letting go of your hand, he unlocked the passageway allowing for you two to slip into the undercroft.

"What was it you wanted to show me Sebastian?" You asked, shuffling down the steps as he basically refused to let go of your hand. "You'll see, it's a curse I thought may be useful since you so often have to fight something or someone, and with that said I've got to teach it to you." Sebastian replied, as he reached the bottom steps, letting go of your hand as he pulled out his wand. "You are going to want to copy the movements of my hand, make sure it is a slow and steady movement at first, I wouldn't want this to backfire on you." You did as instructed moving your wand in the motion he had showed you, it took a few attempts before you were confident in your skills. "Alright! What's it called then?".

Sebastian stood up a little straighter and said "it's called, Crucio, it's one of the unforgivable curses, it wont kill someone, but it apparently hurts them more than anything else. I'm not completely sure if I have it correct and I'd like to test it out." You pointed to yourself "Try it on me, im tough I can take it!" He froze, stoped talking, seemingly stopped breathing. "What?" Sebastian questioned you, voice wavering slightly. You didn't notice the clear signs that he didn't want to preform such a curse on someone as precious to him as you. "Try it out on me, I've been through worse, I uhh, hope.".

Sebastian felt his chest tighten, the thought of intentionally hurting you, or anyone he cares about, made him rethink the testing. "I don't want to hurt you-" you quickly cut him off, "I don't want you to get hurt either, so I'll be the test dummy." He reluctantly agreed with you, as he raised his wand, he didn't even look at you as he blasted the spell your way. "Crucio!" You dropped to the floor, spiraling with more pain and anguish than could be imagined. It were as if your insides were being ripped from your body, you screamed, shaking in fear you wished for death to claim you, this hurt so much more than you were ready for. Sharp pains felt as if you were being bit into by the same dragon you had escaped from, a dull knife, stabbed into every John in your body, shooting pains up your spine and through your peripheral nervous system. Aches and pains, stabs and slices, burning and freezing, something like this couldn't be formulated into words, it all just came out as a cry, it hurt so bad, and all you could do was writhe in agony.

He ran to your side, dropping his wand and grabbing you by the shoulders "Are you alright!? I'm so sorry, I knew I shouldn't have let you convince me to practice that stupid spell. I'll never do it again, im so sorry." The pain started to die down, tears running down your face. Sweat down your back as you tried to calm down. You gasped for air, shaking uncontrollably as the pain slowly faded. The shooting pains and burning no longer plagued your senses, the only thing you felt now was light, almost as if you were floating on air. He pulled you into a hug, holding you as if you would disappear the moment he let go "I'm so so so sorry, I didn't mean to-" you quickly hugged him back. "Sebastian, it's ok, I know you didn't mean to. Don't worry so much about it." He fell silent, simply just holding you there, not allowing you to leave.

You had stayed like this for a while until he finally loosened his grip. "Never again, you hear me, I will never use magic on you again weather you demand I do it or not. I never want to see you like that you hear? Never, it'll be a cold day in hell before I ever try to." He placed a kiss on the top of your head and you felt how unsteady his breathing was. "Sebastian, I'm sorry I didn't mean to upset you.". You heard a small sniffle, before he let go of you. "Im going to walk you back to your dorm and you cannot refuse." You nodded, as you both came to a stand, he picked up his wand, grabbed your hand, and started to lead you to the (Slytherin, Hufflepuff, Gryffindor, Ravenclaw) dorms.

As soon as you had made it there, before you went in you gave him a kiss on the cheek. "Thank you for making sure I was alright, see you tomorrow Sebastian," he nodded, red in the face, "Yeah, see you.".

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