"Also," Harry added. "Josh did a stunning job on drums last night, could we like make sure that gets brought out a little more so people can hear?"

 The men nodded in agreement, liking the boys' contribution. Louis the took this chance to interrupt. "Found her." and he gave me a slight shove forward. All eyes turned to me, including those in the booth, and I felt fear incase me, like all the pressure in the room was suddenly dropped on me.

  "Sorry, I was-" I tried to apologize, knowing that it probably did look like a "little diva act" from their perspective, but one of the men shrugged it off.

 "Nevermind that, just great to have you here." This man was tall and broad, with a gleaming bald head and friendly smile. His accent was thick and undefinable. "I'm David Lerwick, by the way. I'll be helping out with your vocal training today."

 "Good, I'll need all the help I can get." I shook his outstretched hand and grinned politely.

 "No doubt," muttered a voice from somewhere in the room. It was the same voice that had been mumbling ever since I met One Direction, but I still could not decipher who the low-spoken insults belonged to. As soon as I found out, however, that boy would be dead.

 The other trainer next to David seemed not to hear it, or did not care because he just stuck out his own hand and greeted, "I'll be helping, too. My name's Savan Kotecha." This man was dark skinned, and wore a green beanie over his black hair. He had a scruffy beard growing along his jaw and the laugh lines around his eyes and mouth gave him youth. "Nice to meet you."

 "I'm Delia Stanford." I introduced myself to both men, meeting their eyes as I said, "Nice to meet you, too."

  David began laughing and slapped Louis' shoulder with a harsh whack, "She's just like you, lads. Feels the need to introduce herself to everyone, even when we already know who she is."

  Louis just smirked like he cared as I blushed a bright red and said shyly, "Sorry, it's a habit."

 "A good one." pointed out Savan, and met my eyes intensely with his dark ones. "No matter what, don't stop.'' I never understood until much later, when everthing was out of control, how valuable that piece of advice was to me and any celebrity starting out. Never forget that you started out with no one knowing your name, and never leave behind the person that had to make themsleves seen, or you will lose yourself completely. It took me a while after this to truly understand, though.

 "Well," David clapped his hands together officially. "We would love to hear you sing, dearie, but we are still waiting on one more person. Louis, would you mind-''

 Louis interrupted him by yelling loudly, "No worries, Superman will save the day!" With his hands raised and a broad grin on his face, looking quite childish, he took off down the hallway. So that was the real Louis when he was not spending all his time glaring at me? If it was, he seemed cool and playful, not rude and hateful like he acted towards me. I could still hear him yelling, "SUPAHMAN!" all the way from in here.

  David turned to the rest of the boys in the room, "Why we wait on the hero to return, boys, why don't we warm-up real quick?" Liam and Harry joined the other two boys in the sound booth and they immediately all began stretching like they were about to run a mile then sing.


*Liam’s P.O.V.*

 “I have an announcement to tell the world today…  “ Here it comes. The announcement that will shake the One Direction world for good. I did not want it to come, no matter how the boys joked about me being under her spell. I did not want her to be the new member any more than they did. I always felt responsible for keeping the band together, getting us places on time, and saying the right things during interviews. I took care of the band, and that was how it always had been. However, I refused to take care of Delia, too, even if she would let me. I did not want this job anymore if it meant having to mediate the arguments that were sure to go on between everyone. Delia could deal with it on her own, because I would not watch after her too.

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