ONE - "Being dead suits me?"

Start from the beginning

"Who was that?" Lyds eyed her friend.

"Jason, I already told you. He's just this kid from my film class. I don't really know him."

"You don't really know him huh? That was a little friendly for not really knowing him T. What if he's another masked freak? You know what did they call him in Stab?"

If even Lyds, who hadn't noticed Ethan watching her for almost two months could tell Jason was a ghostface then the rest of the world would have no problem at all. What an asshole.


"Yeah that guy."

"Don't even joke about that. I hear about it enough from my sister."

"Look we're figuring it out that's all that matters. Healing isn't linear."

God she was smart.

"I am healed."

"Well at least one of us isn't in denial." The blonde let out an echoing laugh.

"Fuck you!"

"In your dreams."


Ethan 'Landry' had well and truly screwed himself over.

He'd spent so long watching over Lyds that day that he'd completely forgotten about the party at KPL, the thought of it hadn't even crossed his mind, not even as he watched as she walked there with Tara. Not even as he saw her apply her zombie make up. Not even as she walked to class that morning. He was an idiot.

He didn't have a costume, on the one night he was finally going to let himself meet her 'for the first time'. He had nothing with a semblance of good in it, or even any materials to make it with. And so the boy ventured out onto the streets of New York wearing a mangled cardboard knight costume that Chad had thrown together. It was horrendous and the thought of her seeing him in it made him want to drink every ounce of alcohol he could find, but alas he wouldn't make a fool out of himself, not more than he already had.

She had to fall for him, he didn't know what he would do if she didn't.

He knew it was wrong, he knew his dad would kill him if he found out he wasn't following the plan, but from the second he saw her he just couldn't help himself. He was obsessed.

"Come on man! Are you ready?" Chad called to him from the bathroom, where he stood with the door wide open spraying an obnoxious amount of cologne in the air.

"I don't know dude, you told me to find a girl at this party tonight. What girl is gonna come near me while I look like this?"

"I bet you'll attract every single one of them if you wear this too." The older boy laughed, placing a cardboard helmet over his head. "See? You're a real lady killer."

If only you knew half the truth buddy.

"You said your sister and some of your friends were going tonight right?"

He had to make sure she hadn't left already, or backed out perhaps. If she had it was all for nothing.

"Yeah Mindy and Anika are gonna be there. Uh... Tara is going, and Lyds I think too."

BLEED WITH ME [ETHAN LANDRY] Where stories live. Discover now