"Wow! So it's like you're a baby?"

"Yes. I can't control my pee pee or poop any more." Brittany was totally amazed. We began playing again. I soaked my diaper while we were playing and decided to get changed.

"Where's your mommy?" I asked.


"Cause I'm really wet now and—"

"Oh, she's in the kitchen. Mom!"

"Yes Brittany, what is it?"

"Ashley needs her diaper changed." I could have told her that, but Brittany insisted on telling her mother I was wet.

"Okay. Come here baby, I'll get you nice and dry." I liked her mother. She babied me just like my own mom. She carried me up to the bathroom and changed me into a new Huggies diaper.

After I was changed Brittany and I watched some cartoons on TV. She started asking me questions again.

"What does it feel like to poop?"

"It's okay. Feels all gushy but it smells really bad. I got used to it though."

"Cool. I really want to try a diaper sometime.

But I dunno what my mommy would say."

"Well, you could come over to my house sometime and try on one of my diapers," I said.

Brittany's eyes lit up like a 100 watt light bulb.

"Really? That would be neat. Can I come over tomorrow?"

"Sure," I said. I was happy to be introducing my friend to diapers. I hoped she'd like it so I could have another baby friend.

The next day came and Brittany came over to my house. We went up to my room. She never knew I had a crib before.

"Wow! A crib and changing table! They really do treat you like a baby!"

"Yeah, I only two year old," I said, babyishly. We started playing with my toys, and I showed her all of my baby things.

"So, can I try one on now?" Brittany asked sharply.

"Sure," I said. There were some diapers in my room, so I got one out for her.

"Do you think I'll fit in it?"

"Probably. You're small like me." She went into the bathroom and put it on. It indeed did fit her.

"This diaper feels good. Nice and soft."

"Yeah, but it's better when you wet it," I said.

"I have to pee right now." She tried to pee but nothing happened.

"I can't do it. I'm afraid."

"Afraid of what?" I asked.

"I don't know. It's just weird."

"Try to relax." She relaxed and eventually her pee started flowing. She seemed to enjoy it.

"Wow, this feels really good! It's all warm inside. This is really nice," Brittany said happily.

"I knew you'd like it."

"I do. You're so lucky!"

"Maybe you could wear them all day too."


"Tell your mommy you want to wear them."

"She wouldn't let me, I know it."

"Oh well. As long as you're wearing a diaper now, let's play baby. You know how to talk like a baby?"

"No, not really."

Ashley's Diaper AdventuresWhere stories live. Discover now