Chapter 2

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We headed back to the classroom and he trailed behind me, footsteps still as light as ever but his presence lingered heavily along the corridors.

I saw a flash of black out of the corner of my eyes and whipped my head to the right, heart palpitating against my ribs when I saw nothing but an empty space. I swore I could smell the fresh scent of flowers and I sighed, running a hand through my hair to shake off the hefty feeling of sadness in my heart.

"Is something wrong?" He asked and I glanced back, observing the creases on his face as I stared at him.

"Nothing" I muttered, shaking my head.

He opened his mouth but I waved my hand, glancing to my right once more before continuing down the corridors. I paused when I heard nothing behind me and turned around to face him but he was looking at his right side with what seemed to be a sad expression.

"Oi" I called out and he turned to face me, staring blankly at me which caused me to feel a little pricklish.

He looked a little weird - eyes glistening under the fluorescent lights and the way his face had contorted into melachonic look was odd.

"Aren't you coming?" I questioned and it seemed to have snapped him back to reality. He took a step forward and stood there, hesitating for a while before walking towards me.

"What have you occupied?" I teased, flicking his forehead to which he had pouted. His brows were furrowed together and there was a slight droop in the cornor of his lips.

He squinted at me and rubbed his forehead before brushing past me, "You're an ass" he huffed out.

"Good to know" I smiled, jabbing at the sides of his waist which caused him to yelp. He glared at me and I smirked, ruffling his messy hair which resembled a bird's nest. He glared at me and turned away, walking down the corridors and into the classrooms.

I followed after him but I looked back once more, seeing nothing yet again.

I shook my head, and stared at the black lunch box in my hands.

Why does it always turn out like this?


I sighed heavily and leaned my head on the desk, staring at the empty seat that was beside me. It used to belong to her, and the seat was always filled with a presence but the owner was now gone. She left, she disappeared, and I didn't know where she went. All I knew was that she was gone the moment I arrived on that Thursday morning.

Nothing was left behind, and I wished she did. At least... At least I had something to accompany me.

I turned my head and saw him, staring at me with the same melachonic look that shined in his eyes earlier. I cocked my head to the side and he broke out of his trance, forcing a quiet smile before turning back.

I furrowed my eyebrows.

Was something bothering him?

I wanted to ask, but I didnt felt the need to do so.

Was it his sister?

I knew his elder sister had passed on in his childhood ages and if I remember correctly, his sister's died around this time of the year so it could be a possibility.

I've seen him in that sadden state countless times, so it wouldn't be unusual for him to be sad once more,

There was a weird feeling in my stomach but I shook my head and diverted my attention back to the whiteboard, huffing out a small sigh when I saw the fairly easy math equations on the board.


I looked down at my notebook and scribbled some random words, drawing uneven circles at the empty margin on the paper before giving up and flipping to the next page.

Everything is so fucking boring.

I wish she was here.
If she was here, everything would have been more fun.
But she's not.


Class has ended.

Man, school sucks.

"Oi, you wanna head to the ramen shop for lunch?" I asked him, standing beside his slender figure which was still packing his bag.

He looked up at me and hesitated, eyes wandering off as he considered my question.

"I..I have something to do, so I can't hang out... Sorry"

" T's fine, I'll head there by myself then" I shrugged, flicking his forehead before bidding goodbye.

I suppose I'll be eating by myself then.


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