Chapter 1: Start of The Facade

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Normal person: "Talking" / 'Thinking'
Tailed beasts/Spirits: "Talking"/'Thinking'
In the void of nothingness, where silence and darkness reigned supreme, a spark of light flickered into existence. This light, unlike any other, held within it the seeds of creation—an energy, so pure and vibrant, that it shattered the monotonous reign of the void. The energy, sentient yet unaware of its purpose, pulsed with the potential of infinite possibilities. It was alone, a singularity in the vast emptiness, yearning for understanding and expression. In its quest for identity, the energy's imagination unfurled, setting the stage for an unparalleled transformation. This is the tale of how everything came to be, from the perspective of those born from this primordial force.

As the energy contemplated its existence, an explosion of unmatched magnitude occurred, giving birth to time and space. The energy danced through the newly formed cosmos, morphing, dividing, and creating contrasts within itself. From its essence emerged the primordial energies: Creation, which held the power to bring forth life and matter; Destruction, which harboured the forces of end and renewal; and Chaos, the unpredictable energy that weaved the fabric of change.

These energies, in their infinite interactions, sculpted the world. Within the vast expanse, the primordial energy focused, giving birth to matter and its twin, anti-matter. Their volatile union sparked the creation of stars, planets, and galaxies, painting the canvas of the world with lights and shadows. The heavenly bodies combined to form a galaxy. The coalition of a multitude of galaxies was coined the universe. Similarly, an infinite no. of universes like bubbles in a sea was known by the term multiverse and above the multiverse in hierarchy was the hyperverse. The hyperverse was also just a tiny part of a much grander scale which was also the superverse or as we call this  "The World".

The sentient energy was spread all across the world and thus gained the name of the world itself. Though it didn't yet quite know his purpose. So using the primordial energies it gave to a being similar to him yet in a way very different. An orb of unimaginary power pulsed concentrated and exploded through which came a sentient being as majestic as it was hideous. An infinite amount of tentacles and a lone single eye at the concentration of tentacles. When it opened its eyes it understood the world what it was. It defined itself as the first creation of the world, the first being to exist and the first to be borne of life. Its name was 'Zero', the first being, the one true primordial, the supreme one, the one without an end, the first God.

From the very moment Zero understood his purpose which was to create beings similar yet different from him. So he extended all his tentacles. All the hands travelled to every hyperverse and divided more, reached every multiverse and divided more and finally reaching every universe it released a special form of energy just like a clone of its' with lesser power. These beings then created life in every universe but they were individually sentient and their powers differed. Due to this life and laws of the world in every universe differ.

In the universe in which this story starts the clone of Zero after coming into existence gained a humanoid form. It was in a male form with glistening white skin, lean body structure, a chiselled face with white glowing hair and was completely naked. Zero then created life also in a similar form. The first to be born was Jinseigami, the god of Life; the second to be born was Shinigami, the god of Death; the third to be born was Kami, the god of before Life and the fourth to be born was Yami, the god of After Life.

The four beings were known as the Four forces of nature. They divided the world into three realms- the heavenly realm, the earthly realm and hell. They then started the process of creation of life and multiple planets all across different galaxies gained a sentience which later came to be known as nature. Nature created the first being or as we know it the first microscopic life. The process of evolution also started with life which gave birth to many different creatures and came on top as the alpha predators were the humans. The humans were not very powerful compared to many other creatures or had a physical edge against them. But the one true power of humans was their intelligence and due to this intelligence they conquered the racial hierarchy and gave birth to civilization.

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